St. Albans Daily Messenger from St. Albans, Vermont (2024)

4 ST. ALBANS' DAM MESaSnGST Page two taasaanttriMg TWO DEUVERYMEH 1 LET 111 BY JANITOR Money Plan 'Aided Happy Prisoner RECALL BASEBALL WALL STREET Around the World (By The Associated Press.) BUENOS AIRES Sixteen-year-old boys were among reserves called by Bolivia to-day to prepare for front lino service against Paraguay In the Chaco Boreal. The two countries have been fighting Intermittently over the region for half a century. Paraguayan troops have scored important victories in the That few days. (Continued from Fase One to the telephone company office an sent out an alarm.

During most of the happening, Johql McCarthy, driver for paymaster Fraw-ley, waa seated in his automobile outside the bank. He saw two men leave the institution carrying a box but he said they walked leisurely and nothing in tiheir actions aroused hid suspicions. Shortly before 11 o'clock two meif answering the description of the robbers were reported to have been seed in Belchertown driving toward Ware and the state police Immediately concentrated on the roads in that section. They were said to be driving a maroon colored car with New York registration plates. PORT-OF-SPAIN Col.

and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh, here after a flight from Manaos, Brazil, planned to hop next for Miami, Fla. BERLIN A new church law disposed of the Aryan paragraph which, providing that non-Aryans could not hold church office, had been one of tho main points of contention In the German Protestant church controversy. By VICTOR EUBANK (Associated Press Financial Writer) NEW YORK.

Dec. 13 UP) Trading fervor cooled with the weather in financial markets to-day and stocks and staples, while not too heavy, appeared to be unable to attract any noticeable support from the speculative force. The dollar cut no unusual capers In foreign exchange dealings as the domestic- gold price again was unchanged, but it moved up more than 2 cents In terms of sterling and around .04 of a cent in relation to the franc. Wheat sagged about a cent a bushel at one time, and other cereals were moderately low. Cotton and various commodities were barely steady.

U. S. government securities were a bit firmer, but corporation bonds lagged. Utility company shares, including those of Consolidated Gas, Public Service of New Jersey and North American, improved fractionally to around a point. Postal Telegraph preferred, International Telephone and Western Union were slightly above water.

Among losers of about a point were Eastman Kodak, Armour preferred, Columbian Carbon and Johns-Manville, American Telephone, U. S. Steel, Allied Chemical, American Can, Chrysler. N. Y.

Central, Santa Fe, National Distillers and similar leaders were unchanged to a bit lower. Stowing away on a ship was madd a jail offense by the last session the Hawaiian territorial legislature. MOSCOW United States Ambassador Bullitt presented his credentials to Mikhail Kalini of Soviet Russia. BUENOS AIRES The government jfprecast a coming Argentine wheat President to Rule On Plans to Continue Emergency Relief; State Unable to Shoulder Burden WASHINGTON, Dec. 13.

LP) President Roosevelt Is to rule soon on Hairy L. Hopkins plan for the ex-pendituie of a b.llion dollar or more on federal unemployment relief activities. Hopkins, lelief chief, has completed a program calling for that sum outside of public woras or farm relief. Ke said he would give It to the I res' lnt shortly. A major purpose is to continue direct relief through the winter and indefinitely into the summer, officials doubting that the feeding-clothing burden can be transferred back to the states for another year or more.

Roughly, the plan calls for perai.J-slon to spend $300,000,000 more on the Civilian Conservation Corps, to $500,000,000 on emergency relief administration and $300,000,000 to $600,000,000 on the Civil Woiks scheme. The Civil Works program, for example, on which officials say they hope to have 4,000,000 at work by Saturday, will cost around $500,000,000 between now and February 15. Another $300,000,000 would be needed to eairy it through the middle of April, while 00,000,000 additional, officials estimate, would be sufficient to continue it another two or three months after that while workers were dropped gradually. The CCC costs about $300,000,000 every six months while Hopkins figures feeding and clothing the families wrhlch remain on relief -oils would require $250,000,000 to depending on conditions. Dr.

Frank A. Pearson, professor of prices and statistics at the New York State College of Agriculture, Cornell University, yho is credited with being co-author of the Administrations monetary plan which ia causing so much controversy. He was associated with Professor Warren. also of Cornell. Youll Be Secure If You Insure with A.

N. DERINGER. Inc. AH Insurarce-Sursty Bonds St Albans Vermont NEW YORK STOCKS (By Associated Press) I Although hes jail, Tony Serpa believes himself ta be extremely fortunate. Serpa was an inmate nf the San Jose county jail when the lynch mob broke in to take Thomai Thurmond and Jack Holmes.

Because of resemblance to Holmes Serpa was mistaken for the kidnap-killer and almost lynched. He ii now in San Francisco jail. Yesterdays Wholesale Trading in Players Nothing Like Macks Selling of 1914 Pennant Winners PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 13. (Ph-Ita 19 years since Connie Mack brqke up his pennant-winning $100,000 in-iield but that upheaval apparently still stands as the most devastating to the athletics, Theres no doubt that the sensational salef announced yesterday at Chicago overshadow them financially, but the transactions that started at the close of the 1914 season, after the As had lost four straight games of the World Series to the amazing Bog ton Braves, ripped the team eapart like nothing before or since.

The As lost II players at that time, compared to five yesterday and whereas the ax severed the ace batteries from the 1933 lineup, In the earlier shakeup. Mack lost his star pitchers, strongest hitters and one of the game's greatest second -basem*n First to go in that selling spree which astounded the baseball world was Eddie Collins, stellar second sacker who went to the Chicago White Box for a then record price of $50,000. By a unique coincidence, Collins, now part owner and general manager of the Boston Red Sox, bought two of Mack's pitchers and his second-baseman yesterday. Soon after he sold Collins, Mack lost his three best pitchers. Jack (Iron Man) Coombs, who went 24 Innings In one game to defeat the Red Sox in 1906, Chief Bender and Eddie Plank Bender and Plank Jumped to the Federal league and Coombs was given his release, later jointing the Brooklyn club.

These cnanges brought the A's no cash but the lean pilot garnered for the club by selling catcher Wally Schang, Bullet Joe" Bush, star hurler, and outfielder Amos Strunk to the Red Sox. In addition to the cash. Mack got three players from Boston Vean Gregg, Chet Thomas and Irvin Kopp. It was about this time the As lost Frank (Home Run) Baker, the Babe Ruth of his day. He retired temporarily and later Joined the New York Yankees.

Pitcher Bob Shaw key, who managed the Scranton team of the New York Pennsylvania league last season, also went to the Yankees tot the waiver price. In other deals. Jack Barry, a sterling shortstop, was sold to Boston and outfielder Rube Oldring to the Yankees. The loss of all this power put Connie Mack in the tailned class for the first time In his career and he was a long time In the cellar. From 1915, he finished In last place for seven consecutive seasons before starting the rebuilding campaign that cu'mlnated in his splendid triumphs of 1929, 1930 and J931 2 Smart" Men Know.

that the Christmas gift sore to please any woman ia an ABC Washer. ABCs this Christmas are lower priced, more efficient. Down payments as low as 5.00. SEE THESE VALUES in USED CARS crop of tons, 1,000,000 tons less than the forecast for the last crop. ADMIRAL BYRDS FLAGSHIP Three young New Zealand stowaways with South Polar ambitions were ds covered in a lifeboat.

Admiral put them to swabbing decks. VERMONT DRY LAW TO BE TESTED IN LIGHT OF REPEAL (Continued Irom Page One) from an unidentified source that a booze car was parked in front of tho Berwick hotel. They had been on the watch for some time for shipments of bootleg alcohol reported to be coming through this city on its way to Burlington, so they got to work immediately. Tests State Dry Laws. They took Miller and Randall Into custody when they came out of the hotel and went to their car.

The officers arrested Miller undr the Veimont law which makes sale, transportation or possession of Intoxicating liquor illegal and booked him on a charge of possession. Randall was released when Miller admitted ownership of the case of gin which contained nine bottles. A 10th bottle was found on his person. When Miller was arraigned In oiv court investigation had shown that in spite of the information and complaint given the police, he was a commercial artist and not the driver of a "booze" car. 1929 WILLYS-KNIGHT COACH Yhie car is a peach $185.00 1930 ESSEX COACH Wat priced $265.00.

NOW $185.00 8EVERAL OTHERS AT EQUAL VALUES Chamberlin Simpson i Fairfield St, Tal. 444-1 'TOKYO Newspapers Bald the next Japanese Ambassador to Washington will be Horoshl Salto, former consul general in New York, now minister to the Netherlands. The government said nothing. ABC Washer Model 16 BELLS RADIO SHOP Swanton Phona 13S St. Alban Phona 360 Golfer Bow To Bowmen In Arrow-Gutta Battle.

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (IP) Two Springfield golfers who took on two archers In an "archery-golf contest found more than their match. The bowmen, Ike Kieffer and Jakie Beck had 73 and 71 respectively for the 18 holes, as against 87 and 85 for the golfers, Jack Manley and Willie Grabes. Par Is 71. The archers carried bows of various weights for their different shots, just fs golfers tote an assortment of Irons and woods.

They holed out by sending arrows through four-inch rings set Into the cups. 21 DANCE WEDNESDAY, DEC. 13 GEORGIA TOWN HALL WEEDS IMPERIAL ORCHESTRA OLD AND NEW DANCES Benefit Baseball Team Ladle 35c Adm, Gents 5 MILLION GALLONS TO BE IMPORTED WASHINGTON, Dec. 13 The Federal Alcohol Control Administration announced to-day that allocations for 5,595,131 gallons of liquor to bo imported within the next four months had been granted. Aiming so far as possible to Bmash the bootlegger by making cheap drinks available while at the same time bargaining with exporting nations to work off farm surpluses, the government until next March 31 will let in 1,631,253 gallons of wine, 239,218 of champagne, 147,510 of brandy, of whisky, including American type rye and Bourbon; 40,630 of rum, of gin and 103,027 gallons of "cordials and liquors.

1 Joseph H. Choate, faca director, explained that a reserve amount, which he did not specify, haa been left for correction of any errors and particularly to take charge of entirely new firms which might be found worthy of receiving permits. He would not give out the allocations by countries. At the capltol meanwhile, Senate and House committee again met jointly to discuss the tax problem. Professor Yandell Henderson, of Yale, advocated a new experiment in the control of liquor, permitting the sale of full strength whisky only in packages but of diluted liquor by the drink in restaurants and clubs.

40c DANCE TO-NIGHT SPECIAL PRICES 1931 ESSEX COACH $275.00 1930 ESSEX SEDAN $175.00 1928 OAKLAND SEDAN $150.00 1927 STUDEBAKER COACH $35.00 The above cars are in first class mechanical condition. Free Demonstration. Easy Terms Champlain Motors Inc. To carry out color j-Jiemes for parties cut dollies from colored tissue or crepe paper and use under plates or glaaa a-it- ROMEO'S INN, ST. ALBANS BAY Old and New Dance 5 PIECE ORCHESTRA Taxi iMyina Dowling Store at 8.30 25c, Ladle Fra Adam Exp Air Reducton Alaska 20 Am Can 98 Am Coml Alco 62 Am Fgn Powder 9Ti Am Rad St ,..14 Am Smelt 42 Am Am Tob 75 Am Wat Wks 144 Anaconda 74 Atchison 55 Auburn 54 Aviation Corp 7 24 76 Beth Steel 36 Beth Steel Pf 92 Borden 21 Can Pacifies 12 Case 1 71 Cerro De 32 Ches Ohio 40 Chrysler Va Col Carbon 3 Coml Solvent ..31 Cons Gas 39 Cons Oil 71 Cont Can 75 Corn Product 76 Del Wn 25 Du Pont 89 Eastman Kodak 80 Elec Musical 4 3 Elec Auto Light 19 Gen Electric 20 Gen Foods 36 Gen Motors 34 Gillette 70 Gold Dust 78 Uershey 51 Hudson Motor 14 Int Harvester 41 Int Nickel 21 Int 13 Johns-Manvllle 9 Kennecott 20 Llgg My 86 Loews 32 Lorillard 17 AIcKee.p Tin 89 Mont Ward 23 Nat Blsc 48 Nat Cash Reg 17 Nat Dairy 13 Nat 15 Cent 34 II 17 Noranda North Am 15 Packard 4 Penn 30 Phlla Rdg 1 4 Phil Pete 16 Pub Serv 36 Radio Beading 46 Rem Rand 7 Key Tob 48 Spears Roeb iS Socony-Vac 16 Sou Pac 20 Sou Ric 36 Sou Ry 26 St Brands -3 St Gas El 8 St Oil Cal 42 St Oil 46 Tex Corp 25 Timk Roll 30 Transamerlca 6 Un Carbide 46 Unit Aire 22 Unit Corp 5 Unit Gas Imp 16 Ind Ale 60 Rub 16 Smelt 90 Steel 46 Util 3 Vick Chem 26 West Un 68 West El Mfg 81 Si Woolworth 42 Elec Bond Sh (Curb) 13 AFFILIATED WITH FOUNDRY REPAIR SHOP Opp.

C. V. Depot USED CAR DEPARTMENT Phona 480 ENDICOTT-JOHNSON St. Albans, Vt. No Main St.

44 NOTICE SHOE PLANT AGAIN RAISES WORKERS PAY NASHUA, N. Dec. 13 1 The J. F. McEIwain company, manufacturers of a nationally marketed ahoe, with 3,000 employes In factories in Nashua and Manchester, to-day announced the second 10 per cent wage-' rate lnceaso since the NRA code became effective.

The announcement, made by Major Francis P. Murray, general manager, affects about 2 000 workers In Nashua and 1,000 in Manchester. When the code reducing working hours In tho shoe Industry from 48 to 40 went Into effect, the McElwatn company announced a 10 per cent wage-rate Increase to compensate In part for the loss of income through shortened hours. Since that time, the employes have worked 45 hours a week through permission from the government, owing to a rush of orders, With the 45-hours week operating permit expiring this week, the company announced its second Increase to become effective at the same time. Be Practical And DW SLIPPERS and SHOES This Xmas Childrens Sheepskin Bunny Slippers G9c SPECIAL 1 We Quote the Following Prices On DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING MENS SUITS AND LADIES DRESSES As Low As $1.00 Other Prices in Proportion.

Prices Subject to Change Without Notice Prompt Calls. Quick Deliveries. BOSTON TAILORING CO. Ed. De Marinis NU WAY CLEANING CO Fred S.

Ralston PASMAN CLEANSERS Louis Pasman A SARKISSIAN SKULL FRACTURED IN HOCKEY FIGHT BOSTON, Dec. 1 3 () "Ace" Bailey, Toronto Maple Leafs hockey player, waB found to have a fractured skull and Conn Smythe, manager of the team, waa arrested for assault and battery to-day as the result of a disturbance at the Maple Leafs-Boston Bruins game last night. Bailey was injured when he was knocked to the ice by Eddie Shore, Bruins defense man, and Dr, Martin Crotty, club physician for the Bruins, said an X-Ray showed a five-inch fracture which would keep Bailey out of the game for the remainder of the season. Shore, in turn, waa knocked to the ice by a blow from the fist of "Red Horner of Toronto and Shores head will be X-Rayed to-day to determined whether or not he suffered a fracture. Smythe was arrested on complaint of Leonard Kenworthy of Everett, a spectator at the game who engaged in an altercation with Smythe while the latter was aiding Bailey from the ice.

Kenworthy, in seeking a warrant for Smythes arrest, told a judge that Smythe told him he would "knock his head off and Kenworthy had dared him to try it. Smythe, the complainant said, took the dare and struck him, breaking his glasses and inflicting a gash which took three stitches to close Mens DRESS OXFORDS $1.08 OTHERS 39c-49c Mens FELT HOUSE SLIPPERS If THIS cold snap caught you with sluggish oil dont get caught again. Come in and change to VEEDOL WINTER OIL IN SEALED CANS. THIS IS THE OIL USED BY BYRD AT THE SOUTH POLE. If this oil works efficiently at the South Pole it will certainly work efficiently here.


Lindbergh are expected to continue on their return flight to the United States to-morrow'. They rested here to-dayi after an -mile flight yesterday from Manaos, Brazil. "I'm not a bit tired, Wald Mrs. Lindbergh, but she confessed a yearning for home and friends said the couple were determined that nothing should keep them from spending Christmas wiHh their little son, Jon Morrow Lindbergh. The colonel was still smiling but appeared to be somewhat tired.

The Lindberghs are expected to fly their hydro-monoplane up the West Indies across Puerto Rico to Miami. They may make a stop in Puerto Rico. The airline distance from Port-of-Spain to San Juan, Puerto Rico, Is 753 miles and from San Juan to Miami is 1,180 miles, a total of 1,933 miles between them and the mainland of the United States, which they have not seen since last July. PARK VIEW Filling Station SPECIAL Womens PUMPS TIES Womens HI-CUT SHOES $3.35 Mens and Womens Skates $4.00 Womens ARCH SHOES $2 29 to $4.00 AAA-EEE 2, PHONE 1230. R.

M. WOOD, Prep. Blue Wine Brown Leather Sole JAPANESE SHIP SAID TO HAVE EXPLODED OAKLAND, Dec. 13. (IP The Oakland Tribune said to-dav the ship which exploded and burned off Point Pinos, 83 miles south of San Francisco last night, was the Japanese Abalone fishing boat Utah, and that her captain and crew escaped injury by taking to a motor tender just before the blast and made their way to Monterey this morning.

Womens Felt SLIPPERS 32) F. D. TO STUDY COMMUNICATIONS WASHINGTON, Dec. 13 President Roosevelt waa shown to-day to have his immediate attention on increasing employment, and determined to keep the civil works administration going until spring to do so, while in the distance he sees potentially great Industrial adjustments In a new order of things. One of the several involved admin-Rtration studies under way, it was dls closed, deals with a simplified com munications setup.

Tentative conclusions suggest it would be well to merge telephone, telegraph and radio agencies under sti'lct federal regulation and public reaction to such a possibility is awaited. Monetary policy remained quiescent, with the dollar value of gold at $34.01 an ounce for the eleventh time. More at the front was formulation of budget recommendations, with a decision of how much more to spend on public works being deferred. Womens OVERSHOES AA Brown wV Black $1 TREASURY REPORT I I OTHERS 49c to $1.00 Blue, Rose, Brown, Grey Womens PURE SILK HOSE ic 6 1 THURSDAY SALE it a li I it a 8t it it it it it it it I ONE DAY ONLY A Useful Christmas Gift COOPERS DRESS HOSE FOR MEN REGULAR 25c and 35c per Pair 5 PAIRS FOR $1.00 Buy With Confidence at NATE9 46 N. Main ft.

The Green and Gold Two Early Rembrandts Added to Paris Gallery PARIS (IP) The Louvre has been enriched by two fine Rembrandt por-traits, bequeathed by Henri Perelre, of the old French banking family. One of the pictures is a portrait of with grey-blue eyes wearing a broad a Dutchman, fresh -complexiohed, black felt hat. He has a pointed beard and greying mustache. The name of tha subject is not known. The other picture is of Cornelle Pronck, also with grev-blue eyes, wearing a fine white collarette.

Both belong to Rembrandt's best period, the first Is dated 1632 and the second 1633. The Louvre has not another 1632 Rembrandt, but has two date 1633. The other Rembrandts In the Louvre belong to a later period, among them being the famous Bath-sheba, painted la 1654. Childs RED TOP Boots $1.69 Child. OVERSHOES $1.00 $1.49 $1.98 Before You Buy MENS Maqa SEE OURS nose 7 Pair for 2 Pair for 60c WASHINGTON, Dec.

13. (AP) The position of the Treasury Dec. 11, was: Receipts $26,084,099.51 expenditures, balance. 12,809.66. Custom receipts for the $9,67 receipts for the fiscal year (since July 1), $1,259,549,470.

64. Expenditures, including of emergency expenditures: Excess of expenditures, 872,783,591.85, 2 PAIR FOR Picot Top HOSE Church Provides Parking Space KANSAS CITY. (AS The congregation of the Central Methodist Episcopal church. South, in purchasing land for a new church building, took title to a tract 300 feet wide and nearly a block deep in order to provide parking space church-goers automobiles. Store.

St. Albans Daily Messenger from St. Albans, Vermont (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.