Cumberland Sunday Times from Cumberland, Maryland (2024)

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S. S. S. S. S.

Death Cheats The Law of Day In Court For Poisoner The Weather Generally fair, colder Monday, mostly cloudy, warmer. VOL. LXIX-NO. 324 LABOR CITES MOVE TO BLOCK SPYING PROBE American Federation Charges Millions Raised For Lobby Against LaFollette Committee Aims CONVENTION URGED TO MATCH BIG FUND Senate Group, It is Claimed, Has Already Disclosed Underworld That Serves Business BY JOSEPH L. MILLER Tampa.

Nov. 21 American Federation of Labor convention's legislative committee asserted tonight "millions of dollars" would be available this winter to a Cumberland seeking to kill the Senate in-! NE of strike-breaking and! espionage. The death- of his stepson was the grim charge that was committee urged the conven-istarting John R. Kizer, 64-year-old Pocahontas, planter, on his In Ils report, to demand to court when the dramaful photo above was taken. There 15 a appropriation to continue the reason for the picture of mental and physical anguish which he presents directed by Senator La- you sec him there through the window of a police automobile.

He (Prog-Wis). was a few minutes later carried, in state of collapse, not into court! Lobbics Being Mobilized but into a clinic. A few minutes later Death had cheated the Law. Kizer! was dead--by self-poisoning. the lobbles of the great anti-: financial forces and all their pressures are being mobilized; prevent the.

senate granting ani appropriation to carry on the investigation," the report said. our reports are As accurate as belleve them to be. the greatest. most adroit lobby that has ever in Washington is being to kill this astounding La Follette committee has only beginning, but beginning. dragged into: light the underworld that serves! biggest businesses--the spies thugs whose profession wreckunions, or even murdering work- "Espionage And thuggery are to be businesses organized on nation-wide scale, to which great! corporations pay tens of millions Strike breaking munigAS grenades, and, machine; are proved to stocked in every line of industry.

"Criminals, paid by business. out of plants badged as sheriffs, free to frame union to prison. Big employers are personally instructing gangin the arts and tricks of de-ine untous. Officials Sell Gas' Bombs public officials have been! as selling tear gas by night by day, drilling vigilantes as and order leaguers' to crush nub of the matter is that Senate must grant the La Fol-: committee adequate financing lack of which its work is being the convention was in retoday, some of the delegates! empathetic with John L. Lewis' organized for a "united front" the rebellion issue comes to: floor Monday.

rebel sympathizers admitthey had little chance of blockAny Action the old guard wished: take. but they were determined their riem's before the con-: Leaders reiterated predictions the onvention would approve the fedexecutive council's suspen-: of the ten unions allied in the: revolt, but would leave the: open to peace by refusing to! them. Chemical Plants Sell Rombs to Industrialists Washington, Nov. 21 (PH-Senate: prestigators said today three chem-. plants had sold $451,480 worth tear and sickening.

gas since i 113. much of it to private Indus-, da lists. I The list of purchases was com-, died by the La Follette committee; evestigating civil liberties onus, as part of its study of strikci raking and industrial espionage. Largest shipment to any state. 1.5 $83.491 worth of gas sent to tie i rel and rubber districts of Ohio.

here union activities have been' Ipecially vigorous, the committee: id. Purchases in California, scene! Continued on JARG trol AY WEBB'S AUNT DIES AS SHE PASSES COFFIN prmer Wife of Rudy Vallee. Buried Yesterday: Band Lender Sends Flowers Santa Monica, Nov. 21 iT Mias Winifred Webb, 60, fell dead' LAV A5 she passed the bier during crul services for her niece, Fay ebb. former wife of Rudy allee, siclan and singer.

Most conspicuous of the floral butes in the little funeral chapel Inrec pillow formed of gar-: play and riusters of orchids, with rinse of heather. which rested. inst the head of the casket. It a card "From Rudy." today. slightly GEN.

DENHARDT ARREST TWO IN. DENIES IN CELL SIX HEADLESS: KILLING WOMAN OHIO KILLINGS Tells Reporters In First Public Statement Since Charged He Loved Fiancee Too Much IS DENIED BAIL Attorney 'Announces Attempt Will Be Made To Obtain Release Through Habeas Corpus Louisville, Nov. 21. (P) ---De-! claring he "loved her too much." Brig. Gen.

Henry H. Denhardt denied today from 8 jail cell that de-ine fired the shot that killed his slender, brunette flancee. Verna: Taylor, the night of Nov. 0. Denharct, a veteran three wars.

was held without bail pending grand jury action on a charge murdered the girl on a' country road. Henry County Judge A. ordered him held to the grand jury yesterday, cancelled his $25,000 bond and removed him 101 Jefferson county because of "probable danger that. he might be' rescued by violence" from the New Castle jail. The, portly veteran, who within a decade has been Neutenant gov-: ernor and adjutant general of Kentucky, a fugitive on a contempt of court indictment and murder defendant, was locked up last Not Killer, He Says "I am not a killer," the general a reporter in 'his cell today.

didn't fire the shot that killed her. I couldn't have done such a thing. loved her too much. We were: happy together until this dreadfui thing happened." It. was his first public statement since the night the bluegrass society beauty was.

found dead, with his pistol at her feet. Denhardt refused to testify al the inquest, and failed to take the stand in his own behalf: at the examining trial yesterday. His lawyers explained they did not! wont his questioned until he WAS put on trial. i To Seek Release Beckman Overstreet of defense I counsel announced AT attempt would be made to obtain Denhardt's! release through habeas corpus pro-: cedings. He did not.

explain on what grounds the plea would be based, but carlier this week the on page two: i PAINT AND VARNISH WORKERS STRIKE ENDS: Employes Pittsburgh Con-! cern Return to Work for Wage Increase Offered Milwaukee, Nov. 21. -Four hundred members of the Paint and Varnish Workers' Union will return: to work Monday AL the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company plant here Fatter settlement of A lout-Acek strike, it was announced todav. E. D.

Griffin, general manager, said the wage increase granted In: the settlement was the same as that: offered when the strike wus called. Lie said it averaged more than five percent on a selective basis, 1ng the pay range of productionishe workers to between 70 and 76 cents; an hour. The union. he said, dropped 11s demand for abolition of the system and for a closed shop. Sunday SUNDAY, NOVEMBER NEW AMBASSADOR 1 TO SOVIET RUSSIA Joseph E.

Davies, international atWilson, will next United and adviser. to President States abmassador to Russia, suc-; ceding Bullitt. who has been tronsferred to Paris. Davis' wife is the former Mrs. Marjorie Post Hutton, UNCLE SAM MAY INTERVENE IN SHIP WALKOUT Expected To Aid Alaska And Hawaii Unless Strikers Release Food Ships STRIKE SPREADING Longshoremen At ver Announce They Will Quit Their Post Tomorrow.

San Nor. 21. A -Goremment officials and unions. possible federal Intervention in the maritime strike in behalf of Alaska and Hawaft today while the walkout spread to the Canadian west const. Longshoremen at Vancouver, B.

said they would quit their jobs Monday. Col. 0. F. Ohison, manager of the government owned Alaska railroad, conferred with assistant secretary of labor Edward F.

McGrady on plans to charter ships for movement of necessities to Alaska. Prostdent Rooserelt authorized the move earlier in the week. Still Hung Jury It's A hung jury 60 far," Ohlson I said After the conference, but! added there was "no question an agreement would be reached." He unions had offered certain concessions toward release of the ships. The question of using govern-1 ment ships to move supplies Hawall word from President Rooserelt. The navy: ordered a survey of its supply ships to determine which vessels could be used, These moves resulted from many appeals that the northern and 16- land territories were running low on food and other necessities.

The attitude of the unions toward government operation of private ships remained to be disclosed. Conflict between the "regular" members of the International Seamen's Union and the striking "rank and fIle" group marked the ship strike in New York. The strikers were prevented from entering the 8. U. meeting hall yesterday by the "regulars." Thirty-one men were arrested in! Chester and Marcus Hook, In the resumption of active picketing by striking maritime workers.

An! official of the Philadelphia Masters, Mater and Pilots Association announced at icast 20 of its officers: on intercostal strikebound ships had quit their jobs. To Strengthen Picket Lines In Ballimore Baltimore, Nor. 21. -Leaders of the seamen's strike here Announced plans today for (Continued on DARe two BRIDE OF SIX MONTHS SHOT TO DEATH IN HOME Charleston. W.

Police Holding Neighbor of Mrs. Maggie Brightweli, 23 Charleston. W. Nor. 21 12- Mrs.

Maggie Brightwell, 23, a bride of six months, was shot to death in her home today and police held James Hamilton, 30, a neighbor, for investigation. Coroner James E. Roberts said Hamilton told him a shotgnn which hie was loading to go lumting accldentally discharged and shot Mrs. Brightwell in the abdomen. Roberta ordered police to hold Hamilton without charge pending Van inquest, Times, Associated Press Service IN LINE TO TAKE I TUGWELL'S BERTH 28 PAGES TODAY CUMBERLAND, MARYLAND, NORTHWESTERN FALLS BEFORE IRISH ELEVEN Notre Dame Scores 26-6 Victory Over Champions of Big Ten Conference YALE TOPS HARVARD Bulldogs Hold.

Fordham Rams To 7-7 -Stanford Club Drops New York, Nov. 21 Notre fighting Irish wrecked Northwestern's dream of an unde-; fealed season in almost exactly the way the Wildcats had done It to Notre Dame a year ago and provided the foundation for the weekly list of gridiron surprises today in the pre-Thanksgiving climax of the 1936 season. The final score of 26-6 left no! doubt as to the superiority of the "hot and cold" Notre Dane teamn today over the Big Ten champions. 11 WAS no more surprising however, than the feat of the Georgia Bulldogs in holding Fordham to 7-7 tie; Yale's sensationn! 14-13 triumph lover Harvard before 58,000 the battle for the Big Three utle; the scoreless tie between Holy Cross and little St. Anselm or Indiana's remarkable rally to tie Purdue at 20-20.

Yale Has Busy Day Instead of the rout indicated by the first -half, Yale and Captain Larry Kelly had all it could do to hold off a Crimson rally and win by the margin of a missed point. after touchdown. thie same time' Dartmouth, pace setter in the informal "Ivy" league, waged a thrilling 13-13 draw with Princeton. Undefeated Fordham, one of the candidates for a Rose Bowl 'invitafound its "seven blocks 01 granite" not enough LO beat a lecrappy Georgia team, The Bulldogs scored against Fordham sec-! end strikers. but the ragulary could do no more than count.i That, apparently, marked Fordhain's definite elimination from the Rose! Bowl picture, leaving the held open for southern teams, und Louisiank Blate, to argue 3C, for the job.

of representing the east. Alabama was idle today while S. U. tuned up its offense with 93-0 victory over Southwestern Louisana. The western side of the Rose Bowl question remained open aS Washington, conference leader and the favorite to get the nomination, deferred action until its annual scrap with Washington State Thanksgiving Day.

There were 000 fans on hand, however, to sce California display an irresistible attack that defeated Stanford 20-01 in the renewal of their classic riv-! airy. Oregon State whipped Oregon 8-0 in another traditional scrap while Montana looked impressive in 24-7 triumph over San Francisco. I Ohio State Cops Ohio State and Minnesota, whole tied for the Western Conference crown last season, wound up in A second-piace die as the curtains fell. 012 the Big Ten campaign. Thei Buckeyes trimmed their old rivals, Michigan 21-0, while Minnesota! overcame a surprisingly sturdy Wis-! consin defense to win 24-0.

Illinois; trinuned 18-7. Santa die until tomorrow, Chicago, R'As left as the nadon's only un-; beaten and untled "big" team when Marquette suffered the same fate as Northwestern. The Golden Ava-! lanche found the sturdy Duquesne line too strong a barrier and weni down 13 to 0. Another Intersectional game provided one or the east's big surprises when Iowa routed Temple! 25-0. Other leading eastern games, inost of them carrying on tradi-; tonal rivalries, saw Colgate conquer Syracuse 13-0, Army, in "breather" before next Saturday's (Continued on page two) RECAPTURED CONVICT WAIVES EXTRADITION Howard Fulger, Seized Years After Escape From Jail, Changes Mind singer, today and after criminal Fulger changed his mind when assault.

mutilated her with A pair; Michigan authorities arrived with! of scissors. papers. At the hospital her condition was reported critical. Before agreeing to return, Fulger: Attendants SAid! nsked Charles Downey, record clerk: she suffered a possible skull ture, in addition the Michigan prison what promto the mutilation. Lee he could make to Miss Brasy.

snid him for oned her the men swak- Downey replied the only promise and holding a knife to herihe thront. was empowered to by Gov. threatened to kill her. Frank D. Fitzgerald muake, bound And gORged her she told! Michigan the was that he would be given a hearpollce, then altacked her and ing before the demanded money.

She directed him parole board at. to $60 in a trunk, not satisfied, Monday. Lunsing his escape, Fulger went to said, he beat. her with a clothes, Clinton, Iowa, took the name of hanger and mutilated her with the Howard Law, and married A widow. srissors.

Miss He Caine to Chicago with his alte prem--attacker ACTORINS After the 14 years HRO and for the last ninc. Brass's awakened her brother years hr has been Janitor of 'and mother, asicep in other rooms. "gold cost" apartment building. Chicago, Nov. 21 (P)-Howard! Fulger, who was seized here 17 years, after he escaped from the Michigan prison at Jackson, waived extradition today.

Previously he bad said he would to complete his sentence on not return voluntarily (o Michigan viction for rape. 22, 1936 Direct JAPAN FACING LOSS OF RUSSIA FISHING RIGHTS Tokyo Told Pact Will Not Be Renewed Unless Agreement With Germany Is Dissolved MOVE IS SURPRISE Moscow Emphasizes "Bad Atmosphere" Created By Supposed Secret Military Alliance Moscow. Nor. 21. (P) A blunt warning to Japan that Soviet Rus-! sta will not cooperate further in! granting "vital" Japanese fishing concessions until the reported Japanese-German military pact is cAncelled, was sent to the Japanese embassy tonight.

The eleventh-hour development i came just B.S Japanese diplomats were preparing to go to the Soriet foreign office to sign the fishing The new pact, fruit of A year's patient negotiations, would have! extended for eight years the anese right to fish in Soviet off eastern Siberia. Concession Vital to Jape The great bulk of Japan's sea food is obtained from these waters, and Japanese officials repeatedly have said the concession WAS vital to Japanese interests. In notifying the Japanese entbassy of Russia's refusal to renew the agreement, which expires Dec. 131. the Soviet foreign office emphasized the "bad by the asserted GetmanJapanese military alliance.

Diplomats viewed the Soviet maneuver as an adroit design to bring the heaviest pressure on Japan to back out of her supposed secret with Germany. They said the chances of reaching 8 Soviet -Japanese pact of ision, heralded as forthcoming early 1937, were now. dim. High Soviet sources pronounced: German-Japanese alliance "progressive but not final action! war." directed, in preparation for world. Germany acknowledged today her; readiness to act with Japan, parther in a common antagonism Bolshevism; "In given situations," toj but continued to disclaim knowledge of any pact between the two nations aimed against Russia.

Japan and Germany Much he Common Japan high government spokesman. said. "have much in common in their authortarian conception of government" but there Is no "hard and fast! alliance between the two." "It is quite conceivable Germany! and Japan-opposed as both are to Bolshevism--may in given situations decide to proceed jointly," he added. "It Is also possible. If either should become involved in A WAr with Soviet Russia, the other would exercise at least benevolent! neutrality." (The Japanese- alliance has been reported repeatedly by! which asserted today the! pact progressive but not final action directed in preparation for a world Speaking with the authority of the Kremlin.

the newspaper Izvestia declared such an agreement would Increase "the Japanese menace the United Stales and Great Bri10 tain As well as A German menace against all Europe. Resignation of Rexford G. Tug- to give serious considerwell as 'resetticinent administrator tion to the desirability of closing was followed by the report that he those establishments temporarily to would be succeeded by his assistant, permit the occupants to flee the Will Winston Alexander, above. danger zoues. Alexander, 52, native of Missouri, is Including the diplomatic and conR former clergyman and has boon isular staffs, Americans nor in the active for years in rellgious, Areas number approximately tional, and civic work.

He R'AS 325, about 200 of which are In director of the Julius Rosenwald Madrid proper. fund before entering federal service. The department information from Eric C. Wendelin, BIG CHRISTMAS on charge Madrid facilities d'affaires of for the Americans embassy. to proceed to the coast 'for evacuation by steamer.

BUYING SURGE Order Orders went Barcelona out at Office the Closed time same LO Consul General Mahion F. PerkAPPEARS SURE 1215 and At call Barcelona upon an to American his office naval vessel to take Americans from there I changes in local conditions be: came unsafe. Belief Supported By In- Perkins earlier informed the de-: dustry's Outpouring of partinent in he had warned all AmeriExtra Dividends, Wage was cans his to be district the consulate likely closed at any time, Increases and Bonuses adding that those nationals who remained in the Untaionian capital CLERKS INCREASED "during ditions. do the present disturbed conRO on their own Estimated Nearly 600,000 The threntened insurgent to high command has Additional Workers i SCA. If this la blockade done, state deWould Be Needed To partment officials sold.

a naval Handle Trade sel would not be summoned there evacuation duty butt the consul New make his way to Franca overwould York, Nov. 11 -Merchants land. This would be dedgned to tion-wide prepared today for an expected na- possible international Christmas shopping surge, 'plications, partly supported by Industry's rearlend outpouring of extra Vinsele In French Waters wage increases and bonuses. Four American naval sonThe National Retail Dry Goods statuung the Kuropsan squadron Association estimated nearly 600. Are stationed 1a nearly of 000 additional workers would be: France And st Gibraltar.

needed to handle the prospective In Madrid, 76 American rondants increased holiday trade. the largest were sAid by Inst reporta to be eXTrA force since pre-depression huddled within the thick Hone i yearn, walled embassy protection Large Stocks Laid In the crushing rebel artHery The nation's stores, the AssociA-: fire and bombing raids directed at ition sald, have made "lavish the capital. I emphasized "festive tone dangers there might Haid in large stocks of There WAS possibuny the verome 40 great more strongly than in any year! that Eric C. Wendelin, American. since 1929.

charge d'affairer, also would be Rotall men are looking to the forced to the drastic action of closItribution of many inillions of dol- ing the embarsy tamporarily and Jars next month to fleping with his staff. and workers for stimulus to trade: HAS Authority Ta Act 'gains achleved on the rose He possesses full authority to take in national income, the association: this step without consulting the i ladded. state depariment lie deema 1t Disbursem*nt of about. necessary. Thus far the embassy, 1000 in extra and increased dividends; which la located within in sight for the year -end follow- ed "safety crented by the ting a record-breaking week of an- rebel gunners, has nos been mennouncements.

A tabulation of actions by About: But aside from this war prisont (Continurd on page teal danger is the threat of a serious John N. Garner and His Andrew Jackson Eyebrows 67 Years Old Vice President Takes Great: Pride In Bringing Eye Adorment To "Old Hickory" Bushiness Washington. Nov. 21 Nance Garner and his Andrew Jack- son eyebrows will be 67 tomorrow. The Grebrows have not been bindered in their growth to a Jacksonian bushiness, Some in Washington who know of the vice president's hearty admiration for "Old Hickorg" say that he sainelimes fumbles with them to help give them Jacksonian twirl.

He has read virtually everything! the Library of Congress has in Itsi sLacks that deals with Andrew Jack-: son. He speaks with bluntness, hAS A Jacksonian nair for; looking facts in the face and deal-: Ink with them in outspoken Sash-. ton. migh: Aight duel it dueling WAS in fashion. And it has not been many JOHNIN.

GARNER. since he used to walk through Stat-! secretary of sinte in the Adnary Hall, on the House alde of thejams cabinet. up speculatively Back in those early daye of hisi capitol. and look statue of Jackson, studying it. recalling the stalement Jackson WAS membership, when Theodore Roofevelt WAS president and William supposed to have made to friends! Howard 'that his two RICAL mistakes I TAIL of war, his fallure to shoot Henry Clay and new member, began to: hang John C.

Calhoun. WAS about to be moved from get complaints that the cavairy Clay WAR the speaker of the House who threw his atrengtha to John! Brownsville. Tex. Quincy Adama the He visited the WAT department In Arst. TACe Mr.

Taft RATe blin a hraring and Jackson for president, assuring the' election of Adama. Later Clay I Cositnued on peat trol I ushered him ost. Store complaints PRICE FIVE CENTS i SPANISH WAR ENDANGERING 325 AMERICANS State Department Mant-: festing Growing Anxiety' For Safety of Nationals In Two Sectors WARNED BY ENVOYS TO FLEE WAR ZONE Government Blasts Beseigers of Capital In Counter Attacks; Fascist Sea Attack Confirmed Washington, Nor. 11 (A The United States government concerned for the safety of its representatives and national, 1n WAT Lorn Spain -instructed the Mndrid embassy and Barcelona. consulate lobby vestigation Dabor The tion, ample inquiry Follette union secret to "ID we and operated organized expose.

"The made the the and ding lets. town annually. pions. plants march uty men shown siers troying Public "Local revealed and. Jan anions.

"The he otte or walled." While As then Pre These ad ng get ention. ration Ion Lewis nor spol Suspects, Described As Ec-1 centric, Jailed While Detectives Search Their' Delapidated Home WEAPONS ARE FOUND Chemists Plan To Examine Spiled Butcher's Apron For Spots of Human Blood Cleveland. Ohio, Nov. 21 (P) -Two men described by police as eccen; tric occupied cells today' while detectives searched dilapidated dwelling. they shared for possible clews in the city's six headless killings.

i The men were arrested In a ramshackle house near an isolated district in which several of six decaptitated bodies were found within the past year. Picture mi Executions on Wall A nondescript painting in the house depicted A medieval execution. headsman holding up a severed head with decapitated bodies lying nearby. Detectives Ralph Kennedy and Leo Duffin said: The officers found five razoredged butcher knives. An Axe and hatchet, both stained, were found in a lean-to shed.

Police chemists said the spots were too small to determine whether they were human blood. One sus-1 pect nsserted they resulted from "chopping mahogany." Chemists planned to examine also A soiled butcher's apron. scald three large mongrel dogs were quartered in the poorly lighted dwelling. Basem*nt Floor Disturbed A concrete basem*nt floor WAS broken, the detectives said. Kennedy and Duffin claimed earth beneath these appeared newly disturbed.

Pollec dug into the soll, but found nothing. Books and pamphlets, the detectives said. included works on sex and anarchy, The officers recalled! i that the Ave male victims were emasculated. The suspects said they were ragpickers and junk dealers. CHICAGO WOMAN IS ATTACKED IN HOME Church Singer Mutilated With Scissors Following Criminal Assault Chicago, Nov.

21 (P)--A fiendish. intruder entered the home of Anna BrAsy, 38-year-old church. food shortage la the Spanish capVital the rebel Riege lasta much longer. Dispatches from Madrid report the population already suffering from hunger. The AT bassy.

however, has A supply of rations sufficient to feed 150 pertanne for three weeks. Sinking of Spanish Ship la Confirmed Madrid. Nor. 31 of Spanish merchant ship by Pasclata was confirmed tonight ernment troops launched a counteroffensive to Mrround Inmurmenta holding CAM De Campo, westward ACTORS the river from Madrid. The Fascist Cruiser Canaria sank the merchant marine vessel "Sat-4" with 40 Rheils off the PAN erIT I Continued on page ROOSEVELT AND PARTY CONTINUES CRUISE Speeding Down South Amerca's Coast for Rio de Janpiro: Fails to Catch Fish Aboard U.

S. Chester At SeA, Nov. 21 Roosevelt land his party sped down South America's PAst consi. ioniani in Rita de Janeiro, on the WAY 10 the InterAmerican conference Beunos The cruisers Indianapolis and Cheater, bearing the United Blates group, left mountain- Trinidad, at 2:15 p. After An eight -hour stop for refuel-ing in Farin Bay.

During ilse day, President Moorevolt. went fishing In a chalchost, I but returned empty-handed.

Cumberland Sunday Times from Cumberland, Maryland (2024)


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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.