Veterans Benefits Network-Finding Doctors that accept ChampVA (2024)

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Veterans Benefits Network-Finding Doctors that accept ChampVA (1)





    Feb 26, 2014#1

    How has been you experience using ChampVA. Do you find doctors,clinics and hospital readily accepting ChampVA. The one I have talked with don't even know what it is. Have look at Tricare but list no providers in my area,

    vnvet bb


    vnvet bb


      Feb 27, 2014#2

      I found out real quick in 2013 about Champva....I am the wife of disabled vetern...and myself and 2 children are on Champva and I carry a suppliment policy also..Champva started on March 1 of 2013 and I was admitted to hospital on April one had heard of it but by the end of June I had been in 2 different hospitals 4 times durning that time...they learned real quick what Champva was... even my primary dr. whom I have seen for 27 years said they didn't take it. began taking it...I explained to them it was the same as Medicare a sister of Medicare., same form as Medicare ...If they accepted Medicare they were automatically in the Champva system... I quess the specialist I saw at the hospitals and the hospitals decided if they wanted to be paid they had to file...they did and they were paid....I was out 250.00 dollars , my medical bills and medicine was in the hundred thousand dollar range and they all got paid...No problems...Hope this helps...

      The Old Medic


      10 Year MemberVeterans Benefits Network-Finding Doctors that accept ChampVA (2)

      The Old Medic


        Feb 27, 2014#3

        By law, any physician, clinic, hospital, etc. that accepts Medicare, is REQUIRED to accept CHAMP-VA.

        The Old Medic, M.A., M.S., Ed.D
        US Army 10/1959 - 09/1969 SFC E-7
        91C40 91F40 91B40 55G20

        Licensed Clinical Psychologist (Retired)
        Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (Retired)



        10 Year MemberVeterans Benefits Network-Finding Doctors that accept ChampVA (3)



          May 28, 2014#4

          The Old Medic wrote:

          By law, any physician, clinic, hospital, etc. that accepts Medicare, is REQUIRED to accept CHAMP-VA.

          This has always been my impression and I knew that I had read this on the Board some time ago; OM, do you know if this is still true?

          There is a post in Social (''VA getting it right'') where it is said that providers can accept Medicare but can choose not to accept ChampVa and/or Tricare.

          Just looking for clarification that might help another vet.




            May 28, 2014#5

            just start calling. if they take medicare they may take champVA. make sure you "teach" their office what it is and give them information. some offices think this is Tricare.


            this is why it is always great to already have a doctor and then add champVa.



            10 Year MemberVeterans Benefits Network-Finding Doctors that accept ChampVA (4)



              May 28, 2014#6

              An old post by our friend VABA with still good info:

              Everything I read indicates to me that a doctor is NOT REQUIRED to accept CHAMPVA, but hospitals are. Any hospital that accepts Medicare is required to accept ChampVA, but doctor's offices are not.
              Here are two fact sheets that will assist your doctor's office manager, so they can properly send a bill to ChampVA.

     ... t01-16.pdf
     ... t01-15.pdf

              Many doctor's offices are simply not familiar with ChampVA. You can educate by pointing out that the billing forms used are medicare forms - simply sent to a different address- and the fees are virtually the same as Medicare fees. The 01-16 fact sheet explains to office staff how to bill.

              Also, remember that ChampVA is secondary to Medicare or any other insurance (except MedicAID). ChampVA is primary payer over Medicaid.

              USAF RETIRED
              100% P&T
              100% CRSC

              Complete layman - not a VSO and not a VA employee.





                Apr 16, 2019#7

                My husband was just made 100% permanent disabled late last year and my son and are now on ChampVA. It has been a nightmare dealing with doctor's offices and finding practices that take it. I have argued with my primary care and women's care doctors office (under the same practice) I've been with them for 13 years because they say they only take ChampVA as a secondary insurance. I've tried to explain many many times that you don't have to have a contract with ChampVA, that they pay at the same rates as Medicare and TriCare and the claims are processed the same way and can be electronically submitted just like other insurances. They accepted a couple of claims but now are telling me that they can't anymore. It's really so frustrating. And there is no source to look for doctors. They say most TriCare or Medicare doctors take ChampVA but it isn't true. Also, they don't have to take ChampVA just because they accept Medicare. That only applies to hospitals. I thought it would be so great to have ChampVA but I don't know anymore. Maybe it gets better when I'm eligible for Medicare and then it becomes secondary. I've heard then almost everything is paid.

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                  AdministratorVeterans Benefits Network-Finding Doctors that accept ChampVA (5)



                    Apr 17, 2019#8

                    Its unfortunate that you are having problems, but i would find someone, somewhere that takes Champva.
                    As im sure you know, It is a great benefit.
                    Best of luck to you.

                    60/40 cotton/poly.

                    Frankie Cherry


                    Frankie Cherry


                      Apr 17, 2019#9

                      I just was approved for ChampVA. Have had no problems at all having drs. accept it
                      Good luck to you

                      Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk



                      R.I.P. JohnVeterans Benefits Network-Finding Doctors that accept ChampVA (6)



                        Apr 17, 2019#10

                        My wife goes to a GP who does not accept CHAMPVA. So we file our own claims. Get all the paperwork you can and submit it yourself. It is secondary insurance for her but it works out ok.

                        100% P and T





                          Apr 17, 2019#11

                          Any hospital that accepts medicare must also accept ChampVA. Any doctor that accepts Medicare must also accept ChampVA. If the doctor does not accept Medicare patients then it is their prerogative whether to accept it or not. Any doctor that is affiliated with a hospital that accepts Medicare has no choice in the matter, they too must also accept ChampVA. Usually it is only a matter of talking to the right person which is sometime easier said than done I know.

                          Your efforts will be well rewarded. My wife recently had outpatient sinus surgery. She spent no more than 5 hours in the hospital yet the bill came to a grand total of $38,000. Our total costs through ChampVA was just the $3,000 catastrophic cap. It is well worth any extra effort necessary to find ChampVA friendly doctors and facilities. So far we have had no problem whatsoever.

                          U.S. Army '69-'72

                          Frankie Cherry


                          Frankie Cherry


                            Apr 17, 2019#12

                            I was approved back to 2011. Submitted some claims that I had. When you call the number, it says they are opening mail from February 19th. Is this normal wait time?

                            Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk



                            10 Year MemberVeterans Benefits Network-Finding Doctors that accept ChampVA (7)



                              Apr 18, 2019#13

                              Unfortunately the statement above that any doctor accepting medicare must accept ChampVa is simply not true. That applies only to hospitals. That said, our local hospital has a family health clinic attached to the hospital which then does take ChampVa. You might check that avenue out.





                                Apr 20, 2019#14

                                fertree wrote:Unfortunately the statement above that any doctor accepting medicare must accept ChampVa is simply not true. That applies only to hospitals. That said, our local hospital has a family health clinic attached to the hospital which then does take ChampVa. You might check that avenue out.

                                You're right.

                                A doctor that has privileges at a Medicare participating hospital OR is a member of a Medicare participating medical group or practice must accept the ChampVA Payment Schedule for any services PROVIDED thru the participating hospital or group or practice

                                Do I have to accept the CHAMPVA allowable rate?
                                Yes, under Title 38 CFR, Section 17.272(b) (3) and (4), providers who agree to accept the beneficiary must accept the CHAMPVA allowable charges and cannot balance bill the beneficiary. The sole exception is when the beneficiary is notified prior to any services being rendered that you do not accept CHAMPVA and the beneficiary must pay the entire billed amount up front and file the claim to CHAMPVA. ... VA_faq.asp

                                However, that same Physician, if the services were not provided thru or with a participating hospital or group or practice can bill directly to the patient but will not get paid any amount more than the ChampVA rate agreed upon with the participating hospital or medical group or practice. Then the provisions of Title 38 Sect 17 kick in and the Physician cannot balance bill unless the Physician has a written agreement from the ChampVA Patient regarding billing. It really gets complicated for a Physician to refuse the ChampVA billing rates because litigation about what fees a Physician can charge separate from his or her Group or Practice Fees are not looked upon favorably by the US Court of Claims so eventually most Physicians accept the ChampVA fees and agree to forgo the litigation if it comes to that point.

                                So the bottom line, as far as I can see, is find a Practice or Group that accepts ChampVA and let the Physicians who won't accept ChampVA do what they do and forget about them because usually they are fringe Medical Providers to start with and not worth the effort needed to get them to accept ChampVA payments.

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                                    Apr 25, 2019#15

                                    JNoxon wrote:My wife goes to a GP who does not accept CHAMPVA. So we file our own claims. Get all the paperwork you can and submit it yourself. It is secondary insurance for her but it works out ok.
                                    What paperwork do you need from the Dr. ? Wife has one Dr. that will not send it in for her. She has Medicare and AARP UHC, so Champ is the third payer.

                                    What paper work do you need from the Doctor?



                                    R.I.P. JohnVeterans Benefits Network-Finding Doctors that accept ChampVA (8)



                                      Apr 25, 2019#16

                                      We just submit the receipt for the office visit copay.

                                      100% P and T



                                      10 Year MemberVeterans Benefits Network-Finding Doctors that accept ChampVA (9)



                                        Apr 25, 2019#17

                                        My spouse has been on CHAMP VA for 9 years and we have had zero issues with acceptance. As many have noted, the issue is lack of knowledge at the front desk of many providers. We may have a better lock on this as I also access the same medical group on my Medicare Advantage plan with no problems. My suggestion is to make lots of calls to find a group that does accept medicare and go from there. Individual doctors may not accept Medicare so they don't have to accept anything, although most all accept PPO's and cash. Sadly the welfare medical payments on Medicaid and MediCal are higher than Medicare so many docs don't want to accept Medicare anymore.





                                          Apr 25, 2019#18

                                          Coastie wrote:Sadly the welfare medical payments on Medicaid and MediCal are higher than Medicare so many docs don't want to accept Medicare anymore.

                                          "Medi-Cal is California's Medicaid health care program".

                                          So if a California Physician accepts Medi-Cal he or she is by default accepting Medicaid. So if they are not accepting payment from Medicare they, the Physicians, don't really know the law that says if they accept Medicaid the doctor can't charge a Patient that is on Medicare more than the Medicaid rate, which is in most instances the same rate as Medicare rate. Too many Billing Offices think they are real cute sending out bills for full payment hoping that Patients don't really know the law re. Medicaid rates and Medicare rates.

                                          I got a balance payment bill from a Physician who tried to get cute with me for a Medicare covered visit by my Wife. I called his office once and got nowhere. So I got a small claim form from the District Court, filled it out and filed it. The day the Physician's Office got the bill, they called me and made excuse after excuse after excuse about incorrect billing and the honest mistake they made. I ended up getting my court filing fee, the service fee by the local Sheriff's Office and my mileage costs from my house to the court and to the local Sheriff's Office back and only paid the Medicare Fee for the Service. So don't let them get away with it. They know the rules!!!

                                          Veterans Benefits Network-Finding Doctors that accept ChampVA (2024)


                                          Is Champva free for 100% disabled Veterans? ›

                                          ChampVA is a health insurance program provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs to DIC recipients. There are no premiums. The coverage is free.

                                          What are the drawbacks of Champva? ›

                                          There are a few drawbacks when it comes to CHAMPVA such as: Eligibility qualifications may be confusing, including the notion that if an individual is eligible for TRICARE, they are not eligible for CHAMPVA. It can take many months for CHAMPVA applications to be processed and put into effect.

                                          How do providers verify champva eligibility? ›

                                          To determine CHAMPVA eligibility, SSA documentation of enrollment in both Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B is required. Acceptable documentation includes a copy of the beneficiary Medicare card, a letter from the SSA that provides the dates of Medicare eligibility, or any valid verification from SSA.

                                          Can Champva be seen at the VA? ›

                                          Are health care services at VA facilities available to CHAMPVA beneficiaries? Under the CHAMPVA In-house Treatment Initiative (CITI), CHAMPVA beneficiaries may receive cost-free health care services at participating VA facilities.

                                          What is not covered by Champva? ›

                                          For example, CHAMPVA does not cover dental, chiropractic services, routine eye exams or corrective lenses. It is possible that Medicaid recipients could have less of a financial burden if covered by Medicaid than under CHAMPVA program.

                                          How much is Champva per month? ›

                                          What are the costs of CHAMPVA and Medicare? CHAMPVA is, for the most part, a cost-sharing insurance plan, and it does not have a monthly premium. However, a person will have an annual outpatient deductible of $50. The percentage a person pays usually depends on the services.

                                          Can I use Champva as my primary insurance? ›

                                          By law, CHAMPVA is always secondary payer except to Medicaid, State Victims of Crime Compensation Programs and supplemental CHAMPVA policies. How Can I Locate a Provider? We do not maintain a provider listing. Most Medicare and TRICARE providers will also accept CHAMPVA (but be sure you ask the provider).

                                          Do hospitals have to accept Champva? ›

                                          As a rule any hospital that accepts medicare will accept CHAMPVA and all hospitals accept Medicare... (other than a very few specialty centers).

                                          Does Champva need a referral to see a specialist? ›

                                          CHAMPVA is a fee-for-service plan under which the VA provides coverage through civilian doctors for certain veterans' family members. CHAMPVA patients may find their own doctors. Visits with other doctors, including specialists, do not require pre-approval in most cases.

                                          Does a 100% disabled Veteran need Medicare Part B? ›

                                          It's still wise to enroll in Medicare Part B even if you are 100% service-connected disabled, as Part B can provide coverage at non-VA medical facilities and is required if you wish to enroll in TRICARE For Life.

                                          Does Champva cover emergency room visits? ›

                                          Medical Benefits

                                          Dental benefits are limited. For most care, including medical screening, mental health, emergency room, hospital stay, ambulance, vaccinations, office visits, etc., a CHAMPVA beneficiary would pay 25% of the cost plus a deductible of $50 per individual and $100 per family.

                                          Do 100% disabled veterans get TRICARE? ›

                                          No. The VA and TRICARE are two different government programs. Getting a disability rating from the VA doesn't mean you get TRICARE. To learn about your VA benefits, visit the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs page.

                                          Do I have a copay with Champva? ›

                                          Yes. A cost share is the portion of the CHAMPVA determined allowable amount that the beneficiary is required to pay. With few exceptions, a beneficiary will pay a cost share for their medical care. There is no cost share for any covered services received at VA facilities or medications obtained through the MbM program.

                                          Can you use Champva as travel insurance? ›

                                          Can CHAMPVA be used outside the U.S.? Top two points from Using CHAMPVA when traveling overseas: CHAMPVA provides the same benefits if you live or travel overseas. Deductibles and cost shares are the same as if you were in the U.S. Claim payments are made in U.S. dollars.

                                          What is the disability rating for Champva? ›

                                          CHAMPVA eligibility

                                          The spouse or child of a Veteran who has been rated permanently and totally disabled for a service-connected disability by a VA regional office. The surviving spouse or child of a Veteran who died from a VA-rated service-connected disability.

                                          What is the Champva Veteran family member program? ›

                                          The Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) is a comprehensive health care program for the spouse or widow(er) and children of an eligible Veteran. Through CHAMPVA, VA shares the cost of certain health care services and supplies with eligible beneficiaries.

                                          Who determines eligibility in the Champva program? ›

                                          CHAMPVA is managed by the Chief Business Office Purchased Care (CBOPC) in Denver, Colorado, which processes CHAMPVA applications and medical claims, determines eligibility and authorizes benefits.

                                          What is the difference between VA TRICARE and Champva? ›

                                          TRICARE and TRICARE for Life are types of health care coverage provided to certain military personnel and their families. These programs were formerly the Civilian Health and Medical Program of Uniformed Service (CHAMPUS). CHAMPVA is a Department of Veterans Affairs program.


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