The Asheville Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)

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The Asheville Timesi

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Red oley Indicted As A Tax Evader CM Ilf cOiellg Open 10 AM 9 PM Saturday 10 AM to 6 PM After Young Retaken for easy pleasant Christmas shopping give him Mansmooth by in Blake or Setlo collar styles 8 1 Ktirfett Buckle IN TOILBTMIB by Pioneer THE MARK A MAN B1M AT OUR STORE ALL DAY SATURDAY SNAP IN A DIERENT PLAQUE it tUNMMK VKUSUM WESTGATE a bj rtf As advertised in LOOK magazine 00 SNAP OUT YOUR INITIAL PLAQUE sei described Premo as small not large but Sports designs ling of new medicine patients has any restrictive results 4 fraternal designs IL 41 IATTIRY PARK AVK givesl Stretchway Belt dial au run Vice President Sarva palli Radhakrishnan who is the university chancellor wore a bright variety of red orange purple and black gowns Nehru donned a robe of red and yellow Radhakrishnan welcoming the President recalled that the uni versity had conferred honorary degrees on only two other distin guished Americans Helen Keller and Chief Justice Earl Warren 'Endorsing peace drive he said: 1 it is essential to realize there only one race and that is the human race' Our loyalty should be to that race and we should be prepared to sacrifice the national interest for the sake of the public After Shave Lotion 250 Pre Electric' Shave Lotion 250 Af ter Shower Cologne 300 Lotion and Cologne Sets 550 Hidden buckle spring and with every body motion The most refreshing news in men's toiletries for ynorulf or gift giving is MARK II Undeniably masculine thoroughly invigorating truly a fashion luxury Lotion and Cologne sets come with smart wrought iron Valet Bar) paid $256080 In taxes on a re ported income of $10972 in 1954 and $268166 on $11367 in 1955 oley should have paid $12732 on an actual income of $36423 in 1954 it is and $2100857 oq $50987 in 1955 Two years ago the Internal Revenue Service filed a jeopardy assessment of $270323 which it alleged was income taxes due penalty and interest for the years 1 1943 to 1955 REJUVENATE YOUR PARTY WEAR Most Jews Left Home Israel traditional home of the Jews has less than one sixth of the estimated Jewish population of 12000000 Nearly onehalf 5260000 live in the Unit ed States 2000000 in Russia and 11780000 in Israel The program opened with sari clad coeds chanting an invocation in Sanskrit from ancient scrip tures It went: together talk together: May your minds comprehend alike: Common be your actions and achievements: Common be your thoughts and intentions: Common be the wishes of your heart so there may be thorough union among Eisenhower put on glasses and stood with a solemn expression as Vice Chancellor Rao read the citation accompanying his degree The President was lauded as a professional soldier who "hav ing defeated his enemies on the battlefield now wants to van Man Is Given Road Sentence or Assault Jury Selection Continues In The inch Trial LOS ANGELES CAP) Ques tioning of prospective jurors in the inch murder trial continues to day On trial are Dr RJ Bernard inch 41 wealthy surgeon and his sweetheart 'Carole Tregoff 22 ex model They are accused of slaying inch's socialite wife Bar bara 33 last July 13ii The trial is expected to last sik to eight weeks "I have gone over all my tax records with my attorneys and my accountant" oley said at his home in Springfield Mo yes terday I know noth ing about the law or the legal proceedings involved but my at torneys have assured me I have violated no laws We are cohfl dent that'when all the facts are presented in court it will be clear that no law was violated either intentionally or unintentionally" The government alleges oley GIVE USEUL I GITS KANSAS CITY CAP) Clyde Julian (Red) oley 49 year old radio and TV country music sing er was indicted oh two counts of federal income tax evasion yes terday The federal indictments charge oley star of the Saturday night TV show filed false and fraudulent income tax for the years 1954 and 1955 and owes $28498 to the government No need to iron the famous Mansmooth shirts So give Ihim one or a wardrobe for a new kind of white shirt luxury" a new kind of pleas ure Choose his favorite col lar style in the all cotton eas'y care Mansmooth fabric 5with the7 famous Manhat tan tailoring an ideal gift HAVANA (AP) idel regime today arrested 'but later released a British newsman Still held was reporter James Buch anan of the Miami Herald seiz ing on charges that he was aid ing rank Austin Young an American sentencedby a Castro military court I Thel British correspondent Is lan Aitken representing Lord Beaverbrook's newspapers was seized after returning from an investigation bf es cape from jail in Pinar Del Rio On his release Aitken said he had been asked virtually nothing about Young but had been asked if he knew a man named Buck man His questioners apparently were referring to the Miami reporter Agents who arrested Buchanan said he was entering the hotel room in which they recaptured Young yesterday Young a 38 year old pilot adven turer from Miami was sentenced to 30 yearn prison Tuesday in Pinar del Rio for conspiring against government He A six month road sentence was imposed in Police Court today on Charlie Meadows 53 of 97 Alabama Ave charged with as sault on a female He appealed the judgment to I Superior Court and bondwas set at $200 Seven drunks were either fined I sent to the roads or given sus pended Sentences One case was1 nol pressed with leave and capiases were ordered issued for five defendants who failed to ap pear rench Pastry Swiss Alpine Pebbles (illed Candy) Swiss Brandied Cake (All Year Type) Pure ruit Syrups Miles South on US IS a ioooh late wear Dcymour Diduundn du executive of two companies in this field urged Congress and the medical profession to join in a drive to bring down the cost of medicine Blackman is executive sec retary of Premo Laboratories Inc of South Hackensack and president of Omega Pre cision Medical Instrument Co of Passaic He testified before the Senate Antitrust and Monopoly Subcommittee in this fifth day of its hearings on drug prices Blackman asserted that big manufacturers av obtained "beautiful natural monopoly" control of pricing In the drug field by controlling patents on new wonder drugs and other medicines and have used this power for "price "I personally feel that the American public is over paying at least three quarters of bil lion dollars annually for the medi cation which they purchase he said He said the medicine buyer is a captive of this alleged monop ly and that so is the druggist "The consumer buying drugs on prescription has no Blackman said "He must buy the medication and he has no choice as to the brand of the medication which is pre scribed for him and which he must Blackman said doctors seem prone to accept claims advanced in what he called blitz advertis ing drives for higher priced brand names produced by the big manufacturers and to pre scribe them instead of lower priced rival' products of smaller firms He recommended that Congress investigate the feasibility of plac 1 ing a limit on advertising ex i penses and profits of pharmaceu tical companies He also advocated that doctors consider economy in prescribing i and "make every effort to see i that medication is available to 1 patients at a reasonable Rand Dixon subcommittee coun WALLPAPER 190 290 390 490 Ate AL 2 8328 BILTMORE CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY INC AL MUI Power Costs Down rom 30 Years Ago electric KWH (kilowatt hour) in the home cost about 7 cents 30 years ago Today the average cost is about 3 cents An average American home today uses 3000 KWH a year at a cost of about $9000 By MARVIN ARROWSMITH NEW DELHI Admiring jrians showered President Ei senhower with flowers as he ove to Delhi University today to receive an Honorary doctorate of laws Yellow petals built up an inch dee? on the rear trunk of his limousine Others clung to his Lead Large "exuberant turn co out again to bail the President as he motored through the pic turesque walled city of Delhi on his wy to the 30 year old school A lew cows which Hindus con sider holy wandered in the tree lined streets as he drove past the historic old Red ort and under flower decked arches erected in his honor A crowd of 5500 students faculty members and guests ap plauded die approach of the academic procession down a striped woven mat car pet leading to the pen tree rimmed arena University girls the red berets and khaki uniform of the National Cadet Corps a sort of ROTC 'cheered the American visitor Prime Minister Nehru was on hand early again with a red rose tucked as usual in a buttonhole of his brown tunic 7 Eisenhower grinned broadly as wearing a scarlet and purple robe and a black and purple mor tarboard he mounted the plat form University officials behind him jjwwsjswAf REE DEMONSTRATION SEEIT One Of Ten Most Wanted Is Captured PELZER SC (AP) Joseph Lloyd Thomas one of the nation's 10 most wanted fugitives wanted in connection with a Shreveport La bankrobbery was captured here Thursday night by BI agents Officers said Thomas surrender ed quietly when arrested at a service station He had two hack saw blades strapped to one leg and $125 in his shoes A loaded revolver was found behind his car radio The BI said Thomas former Terre Haute Ind restaurant own er is under federal indictment as one of three men who robbed the Commercial National a of Shreveport La of $34000 eb 13 1958 A woman 'was wounded 'in the hand during the robbery Two of the bandits were cap tured and the third identified as Thomas by the BI escaped Hiemas added to the most wanted list Oct 21 had lived here for the past year with his wife and two daughters under the name of George Clark Ashley Thomas operated a used car bus iness here The BI said Thomas was con victed of car theft in Indiana and served jail terms He also served time for possession of a still The BI said Thomas told offi cers he first went to the Ashe ville NC area in September 1958 seeking "a quiet to live with his family After looking around that area he decided "the around Asheville did not appeal to him So he came the Greenville area looked it over and finally settled down in a rented house near the Ware place a few miles from here OUTLET I The AL 3 2292 Russian Press Carries Account Of Ike's Speech MOSCOW (AP) The Soviet press today carried the first ac count of a speech given byPres idert Eisenhower during his 11 nation goodwill tour Both Pravda and Izvestia pub lished a New Delhi dispatch by Tass the Soviet mews agency on the address yes terday to the Indian parliament The Dispatch quoted Eisen hower as saying that "total dis armament is the necessity of our and that public pressure for disarmament must become so intense that no government will be able to resist it is a phrase the Russians have been plugging constantly since Pre mier Nikita Khrushchev advanc ed it in his speech to the United Nations in September Eisenhow er did not use it in his speech) Moscow radio and newspapers previously mentioned Eisenhow tour but did not gff into the substance of bls talks AUTOMATIC RYPAN B15 JACKETS With fur col wlar heavy quilted lining A $795 8 quish the god of war Rao said India Is ready and glad to join in Eisenhower's cru sade against hunger and poverty as younger Eisenhower removed his mor tarboard when it came his turn to speak He said he couldspeak better without the hat The students laughed and cheered The President tailed in his speech for universal recognition of international law and a mas sive expansion of the exchange of students among nations to help brine world ueace' The students broke into cheers and waved their arms as' Eisenhower walked out in slow nrocession after (he ceremony 1 BOOTS Largest selec lion you cau 6 fid anywhere The ideal gift Drug Maker Says Bigger irms Are Over Charging escaped Wednesday and made his way to Havana but his freedom lasted less than 48 hours Cuban agents claimed Buchanan was bringing bandages to Young who had hurt' his leg in the' escape Two armed agents picked up Aitken after midnight at the Ha vana office of the New York Times where he was talking with the Times correspondent Mrs Ruby Hart Phillips and Edward Scott a British national and cor respondent for the National Broad casting Co The two agents questioned all three then searched the office as though looking for another person i It appeared that the Cubansi were picking up all persons who had close contact wilh Young and Peter John Lambton 24 British born co defendanl with Young who was sentenced to 25 years in prison Aitken who came here 10 days ago from New York had interviewed both in Pinar del Rio Officers said Buchanan vho flew to Havana Thursday after noon was being held for investi gation cm Sime The Asheville (N C) Times riday Dec 11' 1959 4 Briton reed American i Newsman Seized In Cuba Showered With lowers Ike Is Given Honorary Degree At Delhi University Lauded In Speech il'f Yoa simply set the and you get CONTROUID WAT 5 for perfect cooking and frylw nnila No Mu 3 Erin i mrdiumi Itree tnd taper wee to owet yontfiffluY needQ gcayers ayuhMe EfDEE COEE WILL BE SERVED rlltE during demonstration You get 2 snap on plaques (yourinitiaL plus youf choice of 16 othefhandsomei designs) with Pioneer's new CHANGEWAY Buckle ANO it comes withhejf1110051 STRETCHWAY Belt the! "gives" and for living breathing comfort! only 4 ipiitvtt AdditloniJ pUqtMt Sin fch Heraldic different looks! designs for men Pioneer ARMY TANKER JACKETS I ffl Knit cuffs and knit collar i in neavy 5 quilted lining SPECIAL By KELLY (AP) A New Jersey drug manufacturer today He said he plans to explore with accused his bigger competitors Blackman the effect on smaller of charging for prescrip competitors when the larger com tion medicines to the tune of I panies launch big advertising and three quarters of a billion dol promotional campaigns in behalf vi iiitH unu jjaiciHvu uauhuds asm in an whether the bigger hand yd I TO MX A 9 MM A a a CL TO 1st TO Ml 5 Epfr A rTJI TO fill 1 Lw UM YZ2l I 1 1 4 a IX I av jar wi iwm i 1 Wil Vi bw wTO I 'wwmMnSmMTOIlBTOMMTOTOWMMTOMf sL i iiMMM MWIlHI I MMMWMiilllBIHIIIU I $5 I i Pas a gggtl a lo $22 1 I I I I 11 I 3 ffinbeam I ili A AV MB i kb Classic Hm ItI designs I rr7 I I iLffl a i 1 Bi Jj te 'HTOjfeaTOTO Jh'H wlu 1 4 mu a a WII i'H I' if tw 4.

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The Asheville Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)


What is the best month to visit Asheville North Carolina? ›

The best times to visit Asheville are from April to June and September to early November, when temperatures hover between the upper 50s and the mid-70s – ideal weather for exploring the blooms in spring and the foliage in the fall.

Why is Asheville North Carolina so popular? ›

Known as an art colony, a healing resort and a home to notable luminaries, statesmen and bohemians, Asheville is one of the most welcoming, vibrant cities in America. It's that type of unique, special place that lingers sweetly in your mind and memories for years to come.

Where is Asheville Citizen Times moving to? ›

Gannett sold the Citizen-Times building in 2018. On March 31, 2024, the lease expired and the newspaper moved to the co-working space called The Collider in the Wells Fargo building at 1 Haywood Street.

What are the issues in Asheville NC? ›

However, Asheville is also becoming synonymous with a few other things as of recent — violent crime, an exploding homeless crisis, and an affordability problem. For the purposes of this op-ed, we will focus on the violent crime and homeless crisis.

What area of Asheville is the best to stay in? ›

Best Places to Stay in Asheville NC
  • Biltmore Village. Enjoy a quaint and picturesque stay in Biltmore Village, adjacent to the iconic Biltmore Estate. ...
  • West Asheville. Embrace the vibrant and eclectic atmosphere of West Asheville. ...
  • Historic Montford. ...
  • Grove Park-Sunset Mountain. ...
  • South Slope.

What food is Asheville known for? ›

Cornbread and beans. Country ham and wild ramps. Apple butter and sorghum. The humble cuisine of the Mountain South offers spoonfuls of heart, soul—and flavor.

Why is Asheville so expensive? ›

Popularity as a tourist destination: Asheville is a popular tourist destination, which drives up the demand for housing, both for primary residences and vacation rentals. Low inventory and high demand lead to higher prices.

What is the most beautiful neighborhood in Asheville NC? ›

Montford: Bordering Downtown Asheville's north end is a beautiful historic neighborhood featuring large historic homes with walkability to downtown. Many people discover Montford when they stay in one of its gorgeous bed & breakfasts with picturesque wraparound porches shaded by large trees.

Is there a homeless problem in Asheville? ›

Homelessness remains stubbornly high in Asheville, with the most recent official count showing the city had 739 people experiencing homelessness as of January 2024, up from 573, in 2023.

Do any famous people live in Asheville NC? ›

One of Asheville's most famous residents these days is the Empress of Soul, Gladys Knight. While she was born in Atlanta, GA, Knight calls Fairview, NC home today. She purchased her mountain retreat in 2007 near where they own a community center, the former Reynolds High School in Canton, NC.

What is the most expensive place to live in Asheville NC? ›

Check Out The Top 10 Most Expensive Neighborhoods To Live In Asheville:
  • Chestnut Hills. ...
  • Norwood Park. ...
  • Westwood Place. ...
  • Albemarle Park. ...
  • Brucemont Louisiana. ...
  • Five Points. ...
  • Oteen. ...
  • Kenilworth.

Is Asheville NC Democrat or Republican? ›

It was traditionally anchored by the heavily Democratic city of Asheville, with the rest of the district being split between Democratic-leaning counties in the south and Republican-leaning counties in the north.

Is crime a problem in Asheville, NC? ›

Violent crime remains an issue in Asheville area despite FBI data showing drop nationally. ASHEVILLE, N.C. (WLOS) — New data released by the FBI shows a January – March 2024 drop in violent crime nationwide compared to the same three month period last year.

What are the cons of living in Asheville NC? ›

13 Pros and Cons of Moving to Asheville, NC: A Guide for Renters
  • Pro: Natural beauty. ...
  • Con: Tourist congestion. ...
  • Pro: Thriving arts scene. ...
  • Con: Limited job opportunities. ...
  • Pro: Craft beer capital. ...
  • Con: Seasonal weather extremes. ...
  • Pro: Foodie paradise. ...
  • Con: Cost of living.
May 7, 2024

How many days do you need in Asheville NC? ›

You'll want to plan time for exploring the outdoors, driving on the Blue Ridge Parkway, dining at our restaurants and exploring our local shops. A full 5 days would be even better. That said, if you can only come for a day, come! You'll love it.

What month is the best weather in North Carolina? ›

The best time to visit North Carolina is during the spring (April and May) and fall (September and October). During these months, the weather is delightfully mild, and the state's natural beauty is at its peak, with vibrant fall foliage or blooming flowers depending on the season.

What time of year do the leaves change in Asheville NC? ›

So, no matter when you visit from late September to early November, there will be an area in or near Asheville experiencing its brightest fall color of the season.

Why is Asheville so expensive in October? ›

October the busiest month of the year

So a booming October is a key to success, and October is the busiest month of year, a tradition that translates into the highest room rates of the year, especially downtown and in Biltmore Village.


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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.