Protecting Your Information — Cooperative Credit Union | Accredited Credit Union in Coffeyville, KS (2024)

Cooperative Credit Union Privacy Policy:

Cooperative Credit Union does not participate in the practice of selling private member information to third parties for the promotion of any third party business. It is our intention as a credit union to inform our members of our privacy policy and that private member information will only be provided to third parties for the purpose of promoting credit union products. Cooperative CU will make every effort to review any vendor's privacy policies if available and establish guidelines for all vendors in which the credit union may be required to disclose private member information.

General Policy:

Cooperative Credit Union deals with information that is subject to laws and regulations which require us to make certain disclosures, take actions for and make disclosures and take action concerning particular information. As a general matter, Cooperative Credit Union does not sell personal information of our membership and does not share with third parties any private information submitted which personally identifies our members. There are several exceptions to this rule, which include, but are not necessarily limited to the following:

Cooperative credit union has many third party relationships. The credit union cooperates with these third parties in order to allow products and services to be made available to our membership. Cooperative CU shares information necessary or advisable in order to provide these third party services and products.

The credit union occasionally must submit information to third parties in order to verify, provide, process and keep records of service given to our members. There are times when this information is combined with other third party information in order to determine membership eligibility requirements or even identification.

The credit union must comply with government agency regulations or court orders.

The credit union uses information in order to verify the existence and condition of a member's account for a third party, such as credit bureau agencies and merchants.

The credit union reserves the right to use information to protect itself, our members and our vendors. For Example, Cooperative CU uses personal information to process insurance claims and other types of claims.

Electronic Statements & Regulatory Disclosures:

Currently Cooperative Credit Union does not offer to members the option of receiving their statements and other disclosure material by electronic means. When this service is implemented, Cooperative CU may from time to time, solicit information from our members, which requires them to disclose to us certain personal information. Of course our members would provide this information to Cooperative Credit Union on a voluntary basis.

Marketing Solicitations:

These programs are presented as a credit union supported service on this web site as a service available to our members. With the offering of these services is implemented, the credit union may from time to time, solicit information from our members, which requires them to disclose to us certain personal information. Of course our members would provide this information to Cooperative Credit Union on a voluntary basis. However, the disclosure of information to the credit union will be used primarily for the specific promotion the data is being gathered for or simply to enable the credit union to contact our members with additional information about our products and services that the credit union offers.


Typically our Website does not require our members to disclose and personally identifying information. However, members choosing to E-mail the credit union with questions or comments should be aware that any information attached to that e-mail address, such as, name or workplace will be revealed to Cooperative CU. It is the credit union's pledge, however, that when our members communicate with us via e-mail, we will use your e-mail information only for the specific purpose of responding to our members comments or questions. Cooperative CU will not sell our members' E-mail addresses, nor will the credit union share our members' E-mail addresses with any other third parties that the credit union may be involved with. The only exception to this rule would be if Cooperative CU were somehow forced to share this information by a matter of law.

Mobile Devices:

If your mobile phone is lost or stolen, call your phone carrier immediately to deactivate your phone and have the data wiped remotely. Keep in mind, even if your phone is lost or stolen, the thief will still need to have your login and password before they could gain access. You should not allow your phone or device to automatically save your login or password.

Protecting Your Information — Cooperative Credit Union | Accredited Credit Union in Coffeyville, KS (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.