How to Write & Design an Awesome One Pager + 4 Examples (2024)

  • By Edgar Abong

Alright, so you’re familiar with the elevator pitch, right?

Now, imagine that, but in the form of a sleek, stylish document.

Enter: one-pagers. These bad boys are like the espresso shots of the business world—small but incredibly potent.

Haven’t caught the one-pager wave yet?

No worries! We’re diving deep into a treasure trove of one pager examples that might just inspire a hint of workspace jealousy.

By the end of this, you’ll be itching to craft your own and show it off.

Think of it as your business’s flashy new wardrobe, all on a single, sizzling page.

Ready to strut the runway and make heads turn? Let’s get started!

What is a One Pager?

A one pager is like a virtual magic carpet ride: one page that takes you through an entire narrative, without the hassle of endless clicks. Also spelled as onepager or one-pager, it encapsulates everything about a brand, project, or idea in a single, scrollable space.

How to Write & Design an Awesome One Pager + 4 Examples (2)

Now, picture yourself landing on a startup’s website, and with just a flick of your scroll wheel, you’ve traveled from their humble beginnings to their revolutionary product and straight to their contact info. It’s streamlined, it’s sleek, and when done right, it ensures that every pixel counts.

Dive deep into the world of one pagers and discover how they’re changing the game for businesses looking to make a swift, memorable impact online.

Key Elements of a Successful One Pager

Crafting a standout one pager, whether it’s a business one-pager or a marketing one-pager, isn’t just about squeezing info onto a single sheet. It’s an art! You want a one-pager design that catches the eye and content that gets straight to the point.

Here are some must-have elements you’ll want to include:

How to Write & Design an Awesome One Pager + 4 Examples (3)

Compelling Headline

It’s often said that first impressions matter, and in the digital realm, your headline is that crucial first impression. A well-crafted headline isn’t just about catchy words; it’s a doorway inviting visitors to delve deeper into your content.

To get it right, understand your target audience, and tailor your headline to resonate with their needs, aspirations, or problems. When crafted effectively, it can be the magnetic force pulling visitors further down your page.

Visually Striking Imagery

Images communicate faster than words. But it’s not just about having an image; it’s about having the right image. In a one pager, your selected visuals should mirror your brand’s personality and the message you’re conveying.

Whether it’s a background hero image, infographics, or iconography, ensure they’re cohesive with your brand identity. Moreover, the right balance between imagery and text prevents visual overwhelm while ensuring your main messages aren’t lost.

Clear Navigation

A single page doesn’t equate to a lack of structure. Your one pager should guide visitors effortlessly from one section to the next. Using anchored sections, sticky navigation bars, or even a scroll progress bar can enhance user experience.

By providing visible cues and easy-to-click links, you enable visitors to access desired information seamlessly.

Engaging Content

The challenge and art of a one pager lie in being brief without compromising the essence. Every word, sentence, and paragraph should serve a purpose. To achieve this, focus on key points and benefits, cutting out unnecessary jargon.

Use varied content formats like bullet points, bolded phrases, or highlighted quotes to break monotony and draw attention to critical details.

Call-to-Action (CTA)

The CTA is your digital directive. It’s not just about telling visitors what to do next; it’s about making it compelling enough that they want to take that step. This could be through vibrant button colors, contrast, or persuasive copy.

For even greater impact, consider the positioning of your CTA – ensuring it’s strategically placed for maximum visibility and engagement.

Responsive Design

In today’s multi device world, your one pager needs to adapt and perform impeccably, whether viewed on a desktop, tablet, or mobile. This involves not just resizing, but reimagining design elements to fit different screen dimensions.

For instance, texts shouldn’t become unreadable on smaller screens, and clickable elements should be easily tappable on touchscreens.


Think of the footer as your one pager’s anchor. Beyond wrapping up your content, it offers another opportunity for engagement. By providing additional resources, highlighting partnerships, or even incorporating a secondary CTA, your footer can be a gateway to further interaction.

Remember, the bottom of your page doesn’t mean the end of the journey for your visitor.

Types of One Pagers with Examples

Navigating the dynamic landscape of business and creativity, different situations demand tailored approaches to communication. Enter the world of one pagers, concise yet powerful tools designed to convey core messages efficiently.

From startups pitching innovative ideas, businesses introducing their legacy, marketers rolling out campaigns, sales pros clinching deals, project managers streamlining tasks, to creatives showcasing their masterpieces, each has a distinct one pager at its disposal.

Dive in as we explore these specific types and how they cater to varied needs and audiences.

Startup One Pager

In the hyper-competitive startup arena, capturing attention is half the battle. A Startup One Pager shines a laser focus on your brainchild.

Imagine condensing your business essence, your solution to a problem, the target demographic, and what sets you apart—all into one visually engaging page. It’s your startup’s handshake with potential investors, a succinct yet significant introduction.

Here’s a real-world example:

How to Write & Design an Awesome One Pager + 4 Examples (4)

Blueq Hypersourcing’s one pager is a classic example of how a startup business can succinctly encapsulate its essence on a single page.

With a streamlined and user-friendly design, their one pager lays out the pivotal information that every visitor seeks, ensuring they capture and retain interest. Here’s a breakdown of the sections they’ve seamlessly incorporated:

  • About Us: Offering a brief description of the company, this section sets the stage. It doesn’t just stop at an introduction; it goes the extra mile with some FAQs highlighting why Blueq Hypersourcing stands out from the competition.
  • Services: A comprehensive list, laying out all the services offered by the company, ensuring visitors know exactly what they're in for.
  • Frequently Asked Questions: Going beyond the basics, this section delves into the mechanics of the business, answering FAQs about how they operate and what clients can expect.
  • Contact: It's all about accessibility here. This section not only provides essential contact information but also features a convenient contact form for instant queries or feedback.
  • Footer: No one pager is complete without a footer, and Blueq nails it! It’s packed with quick links, shortcuts, and additional contact details, making navigation a breeze.

With a blend of essential details and intuitive design, Blueq Hypersourcing’s one pager is a testament to how startup businesses can make a striking first impression. Dive in and take a leaf out of their playbook!

Webinar One-Pager

Webinars, the hub of digital knowledge dissemination, need their own introduction. Enter the webinar landing page, a tantalizing one-pager teaser of the wisdom to be shared. From the topic and a crisp description to speaker insights and registration details, it’s all there, neatly laid out.

Whether it’s a deep dive into the latest in AI or a fun DIY crafts session, this one pager ensures your audience marks their calendars.

Here’s an example:

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Tinuity’s webinar landing page stands out as a stellar example of a one-pager done right. It efficiently encapsulates all the essential details about the webinar, ensuring prospective attendees have a clear picture of what to expect.

Here are the specific components that make this landing page both informative and engaging:

  • Webinar heading: Right at the top, a compelling title immediately captures attention and sets the tone for the topic being covered.
  • Registration form: Streamlined and user-friendly, this form ensures that attendees can register without any hassle, making the sign-up process a breeze.
  • Short description: This gives a concise overview of the webinar, laying out the context and significance of the topic.
  • What You’ll Learn: This section delves into the key takeaways of the session, providing attendees with a clear understanding of the value they'll receive.
  • Speakers: Highlighting the expertise on offer, this lists out the speakers, complete with their professional titles and affiliations, adding credibility to the session.
  • A Call-To-Action: Strategically placed, this CTA directs visitors back to the registration form, ensuring that taking action is always just a click away.

Product One Pager

As an essential part of building an ecommerce site, building your product page requires careful planning and implementation.

Every product has a story. With a Product One Pager, that story takes center stage. Think of it as a glamorous display window—showcasing features, highlighting benefits, revealing pricing, and flaunting glowing testimonials.

Elevate it with vibrant imagery, real-world use cases, or even a touch of the product’s creation tale. It’s your product’s moment in the digital sun, radiant and compelling.

Here’s an actual example from Apple:

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Apple’s product page for the Apple Watch is nothing short of a visual treat. Embodying the brand’s signature style, it marries form and function in a way that captures and retains visitor attention.

This product page is thoughtfully crafted, leveraging both imagery and smooth animations to create an immersive experience. Key elements include:

  • It starts with a catchy headline and the main product image. This sets the tone and immediately grabs the visitor's attention.
  • Product highlights: Showcasing the eco-friendly materials used and the different styles available, Apple effectively communicates the watch's unique selling points.
  • Useful articles: Integrated links lead visitors to informative articles, ensuring they extract the maximum value from their purchase.
  • Helpful buyer’s resources: These include a handy guide on free delivery or pick-up, varied installment options, and a direct contact link to customer support, assisting potential buyers in choosing the perfect product for their needs.
  • Complimentary product/services: Apple smartly suggests other offerings that amplify the product's utility, such as music subscriptions, health services, and more.
  • Rich footer: A comprehensive section that offers a plethora of quick links, organized for easy navigation and access.

Portfolio One Pager

For the creative souls, their artistry is their identity. A Portfolio One Pager is that identity brought vividly to life. Beyond just presenting a collection, it charts the artist’s evolution, elucidates their unique style, and delineates their expertise.

It’s more than a showcase; it’s a digital storybook, introducing the artist and their masterpieces to the world, awaiting applause and opportunities.

Here’s an example of a personal portfolio:

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Navigating through a web developer’s portfolio can be like taking a stroll in a well-organized digital garden, and this example is no exception.

It’s a lucid reflection of the developer’s professional trajectory, with each section flowing seamlessly into the next, embodying the precision and structure inherent to web development. Within this portfolio, you’ll find:

  • Straightforward Heading: Right off the bat, it defines the individual's role or profession. Accompanied by a succinct description, it gives a snapshot of who they are and what they bring to the table.
  • Skills: An exhaustive list detailing the technical proficiencies and areas the developer excels in, from front-end frameworks to backend languages.
  • Experience: This section delves into the developer's journey, highlighting key projects, achievements, and milestones, offering tangible proof of their capabilities.
  • Services Offered: A clear rundown of all the services they can provide, be it website development, app integration, or site maintenance.
  • Contact Form: Making the outreach process effortless, this feature facilitates instant communication, inviting potential clients or employers to touch base.
  • Footer: Strategically placed quick links lead to other pertinent resources, ensuring visitors can access all necessary information without a hitch.

Crafting Your Own One Pager

Ready to create a standout one pager that captivates your audience? Crafting your own one pager is a blend of art and strategy. It’s like tailoring a suit – it needs to fit just right and make an impression. Here’s a simple roadmap to get you started:

How to Write & Design an Awesome One Pager + 4 Examples (8)
  • Identify the Purpose: Is it a business one-pager for your startup, or maybe a portfolio one pager to flaunt your skills? Knowing your goal is step one.
  • Choosing a Platform: Always think ahead how you want your one pager be implemented. Here is are some options you might want to consider:
    • Website Builders: Ideal for beginners, platforms like Wix, Squarespace, or WordPress offer user-friendly drag-and-drop features to help you design a marketing one pager without much tech know-how.
    • Web Hosts: If you're using a Content Management System (CMS) or have a pre-made HTML page, you'll need web hosting services. Think GoDaddy, Bluehost, or HostGator.
    • Manually Coding: Got skills in HTML, CSS, or JavaScript? Create a custom one pager that stands out. This is perfect for a tailored company one-pager or a unique project one pager.
    • Hire a Web Developer: If manually coding isn’t your jam, but you want a custom look, this is your route. They can turn your one pager ideas into a responsive masterpiece.
How to Write & Design an Awesome One Pager + 4 Examples (9)
  • Content Creation: Whether it’s a one pager layout for a sales pitch or a more general company one pager, prioritize your core message. Don’t forget to incorporate relevant and attractive visuals.
  • Embrace Design: Your design should align with your purpose. A brand-centric business one-pager, for instance, should ooze your brand colors and aesthetics.
  • Brevity is Key: A digital one pager should be scroll-friendly. Don't clutter – keep it neat and impactful.
  • Get Feedback: Share your digital draft with a group – be it peers, potential clients, or mentors. They'll provide insights you might've missed.

With this structured approach, your one pager, be it on WordPress, a custom-coded page, or any other platform, is bound to make waves. Happy creating!

Frequently Asked Questions on These One Pager Examples

Embarking on the journey of crafting a memorable one pager? It’s natural to have some questions! Let’s delve into three common inquiries that pop up when people, just like you, dive into the world of one pagers.

What’s the difference between a digital and a printed one pager?

When it comes to one pager designs, the platform matters. A digital one pager usually designed for website viewing can employ dynamic elements like animations, interactive sections, or even embedded videos.

This is especially prevalent in startups where tech-savviness is showcased. Digital ones can be shared via links and can incorporate SEO practices, making them accessible to a broader audience on the internet.

On the other hand, printed one pagers focus on static visual appeal. Think of sales one pagers you’d hand out at a networking event. Printed versions demand high-resolution graphics, clarity in content, and tangible appeal, making them perfect for in-person engagements.

How often should I update my one pager?

Your one pager is like your business card, so its relevance is crucial. Typically, whenever there’s a significant shift in what you offer or represent, it’s time for a refresh. For instance, if you’ve got a business one pager and your company undergoes a rebranding, an update is essential.

Similarly, if you’re using a portfolio one pager and have new projects to showcase, add them in. In general, reviewing your one pager every few months ensures it remains timely and effective.

Can one pagers be more than one page?

It’s a bit counter-intuitive, given the name, but yes! Some complex topics or detailed proposals might spill over to a second page. However, remember the core principle: brevity.

Even if you’re creating an extended marketing one pager or a detailed company overview one pager, ensure the content remains concise. If it’s stretching beyond two pages, consider if a brochure or a booklet might serve you better.

Key Takeaways on These One Pager Examples

Navigating the digital landscape requires swift and impactful communication, and that’s the magic of one pagers.

Throughout our discussion, we’ve delved into their essence, from the versatile uses in businesses to the specific allure of Product and Webinar one pagers.

The beauty of a one pager lies in its concise yet powerful storytelling. As you embark on creating yours, remember it’s all about blending design with purposeful content.

The bottom line? Less truly is more, and with one pagers, your message can shine bright on a single page. Dive in and make your mark!

How to Write & Design an Awesome One Pager + 4 Examples (10)

Edgar Abong

Edgar is a skilled software developer with a passion for building and evaluating software products. His expertise in software development enables him to provide in-depth evaluations of software products. He can draw out insights about features, functionality and user experience.

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How to Write & Design an Awesome One Pager + 4 Examples (2024)


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.