Dodge County Citizen from Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (2024)

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Dodge County Citizeni

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

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COASTERS ARE INJURED '1 i 4 'i i Edward JV 1 lerwlse hurt Mr I DIVINE HEALING AILS I Baby Died NO PHYSICIAN WAS CALLED suffered all that ASTER I A TPSS or Infants and Children 1 orest He Novel iALV SWtfKClTXOk 1 the case of Sheriff Me I A It i fl Men id Civ i HELD ON ROBBERY CHARGE fer was the 4 liM1 1 jr i A have a 1 the same f1 Up hill SsT ntas A this Ra andr Git Racine Coroner Refuses Death Cir tifioate' to Dowieites Whose escaued I the disaster by leaving' Chi Bob Sleigh at Menomonee alls Crashes Team i ftL'v a Zionites May Be Prosecuted for! Not Having Doctor to Attend Sick Girl Madison Jan I Above is a representation of the front elevation of the winning design Jn the competition for neTjr Carnegie library building which is to cost $65000 rank'Miles Day Brother architects were the winners The style of the building in the plans subinitted is collegiate gothic of the Elizabethan period In the center of the basem*nt is the auditorium' with a seat ing capacity of about 300 On this floor to the rear are the mechanical heating plant and fuel storage room To the immediat lfeft of the main entrance are newspaper and clubrooms where men may smoke To the right of the hall are storage and workrooms and quarters In this section of the base ment is also to be found a disinfecting Wetern Canada an envlabMpot for the aettler Write to the SVnBIXTBNSZNT Immx oration Ottawa Canada for adeacurip tire Atlas and other Informatlom or the authorised Canadian Ag IVE PEOPLE ARE HURT I 1 A Clever Policeman Charlottenburg near Berlin' a mum named Behuert who Ak Lr VUUUUUCU LUH jn IST lodist churchM fare trapand the it in the cityOrders may be given prove the Tbailding which is 30 old and built for an opera Rev EL armer is the pastor fc 1 4 INLUENCE i Table That Shows the Extensive Manip ulations of the inancier his article onL Owns' the United in the December Work Sereno SfPratt of the Wall Street Journal gives the following table show ing the influence of I Pierpont Morgan: Insurance companies assets $1063000000 630000000 1 4 2447171300 1528000000 195000000 45000000 120000000 240000000 SAY AGENT STOLE MONEY Major McGinty ormerly of Oshkosh Is Wanted Three Women Claim 1 i Him as Husband i Wis Jan the alleged theft of a large former agent Maj i Mc Coe Commission 8o Charter Member 3 4 of Lodge ioh into a Jr lied with to in Theh more started for the room he center 'anil in' an body er dis crushn and NEW CARNEGIE LIBRARY AT SXADISON a i a clbset for old books' andp a fireproof vault1 i'i ill Three exits at the1 front end of the auditorium provided and twp at either' side of the platform At the rear of the building i on the first floor is a large? with' a capacity Vo 16 000' volumes' which can easily ex panded to meet the' growth of the li brary' Thq total number of Volumes in the city library at present To the left of thb 'main entrance is the large general reading room contain ing 1284 square feet To: the rear of the general reading room are the reading and classrooms lA large exhibit hall finds fi prominent place in thell sec ond floor plans To the left 5of the front on this floor large class and lecture room to the rear of which is re vision room At the extreme rear of the is it long workroom running the entire width of the structure 1 i Currie Room 12 Callahan Bldg Milwaukee Wiau Send us your hides and fur I skins for tanning with hair i on for coats and robes inn guaranteed Send for price flat riWfCM DTaWQa Hfima and 2ftth Aw A was playing a piano in a circus in Yorkshire recently when one or the audience called outl The dog immediately vacated this seat and the rodents The piano kept UU yjvufflol ent to support a population 9t 6000(000 or over Tne immigration for the past six years has been phenomenal REE Homestead Lands asUy accessible while othertandsmmr bo purchased from Railway and Lana Oompanlea The grain and grazing lands of Western Canada arajhe best on the continent producing th best grain and cattle (fed on grass alone) ready for market bankrupts ou a writ of re gree that the title to the trial in The time of trial has Rheumatism LumEado frost Bites Use Mexican Best kcmnly Piles and Goes to Jail at BarronJ I Rice Lake Wis Jan Jharles Kirkpatrick was tried i before 1 iidtre Constance Saturday charred with robbing John Haughlan of $200 Waiv ing examination he was placed under f2UU oouus ueiauit oE wnicn ne Stur io we wuuiy juu ai oarron Appleton Ufniamin wife 'and lrpquois theate ou the afternoon of tnp fire he insisting on going despite protests of wife and sou who wanted to (attend the matinee The son Paul llJa Milwaukee newspaper: man Benjnmiiiis presiding elder of the A Lpd du Iic district Methodist church OSCEOLAS OUNDER DEAR William Kent Passes Away at Agi of An Uni for be appomtmient of rural mail carriers QU routes from the several distributiA" Ofllcjcs in connection with the Jefferson county service just installed for the tabllishmont of on eligible register for' filling future vacancies will be held at the i(courihouse here tomorrow b've routes wil emanate from the local postotlice and several more from Wnter i town and other points in this county Mr I'Welltoir who will conduct the examinh Atoh has been here for several months looking over the territory and lavinr nht proposed' routes 1 a i oa ruNEAiiti uir 5 Oshkosh Because of sum by its Ginty the office 'in this city has begn discontinued and officials are hunting for McGinty with a warrant Three women claim to be tho wife of the missing man One lived with him here and disappeared when he did An other lives at' Stevens Point and third at Minneapolis The last has a son CONVENTION PROGRAMME Annual Gathering of State Agricultural i Society Will Be Interesting Madisch Wis Jan At the annual convention of the State Agri cultural society to be held here ebruary 3 and 4 the following programme will be followed: I Wednesday ebruary 3 11 Open ing address President George McKerrowMistakes We Spalding Itivcr alls: Popularizing Agricultural Educa Prof Davis Menomonie 2 "The Cow that Does Not oster airchild "arm Mrs Adda Howie Elm Grove address Prof Emery states dairy and food commissioner Madison Thursday ebruary 4 9 4 Lands and arm ertility" Prof A RWhitson Madison: Corn Breed ing" red Meter Sleepy Eye Minn cial Soiling Prof Thomas Shaw editor of The armer St Paul Minn 2 Value of Live Stock Exhibits at red RIetbrock Mil waukee Relationship of Live Stock Husbandry to Our Prof George Humphrey Madison: address Iifa RtfW'V and Vptprlnorv OVtiUa Tx i Alexander Madison charged with accepting $250 from Msn IjACAjeOLl or i Jxlll WfluKV lithe Wisconsin Telephone fch CLING TO PARTY LINES Racine Democrats Refuse to Unite on I Non Partisan Basis in avor of Judge Ba ensch Wis Jan ELDER SAVED Go Miss Rose Peterson Secre tary Parkdale Tennis Club Chi cago from experience advises ail young girls who have pains and sickness peculiar to their sex to use Lydia iVege table Compound i many beautiful young girls de elop into wom listjess and) hopeless women simplybecaiise sufficient atten tion hag not been paid to their physical development No woman is exempt from physical weakness ana periodic pain and young girls just budding Into womanhood should be carefully guided physically as well as morally Another woman Miss Hannah MerslnCoI I lingswood says: thought I would writd and tell I ibTfQllowinff kind ad vicej I feel like a new person I was always thin and delicate and so weak that I could hardly do anything Men struation was irregular I I tried a bottle of your Vegetable Compound and began to feel better nght away I continued its nd aa weU and Strong and men struate regularly I cannot say enough your medicine didl for Uydia Vegetable Compound will cure any woman in the land who suffers from womb troubles inflammation of the ovaries and kidney troubled Looking for a Home Thea yrhy not Keep tn vte vr the fhct that the farming land of HlWfistern Canada 1 was lesinied lihafa daring jail ilcliverv qiS contcinplntcd the plot being ex osed by long term jail prisoner Ibnt Three Years After jEugene LarioJ of 751 Twentieth avenue ticket seller in the Union Sta tion Denver Colo isays: are at iioerty to repeat I first stated through ou4 Denver papers 1 about' Kidney Rills in the summer xf 1899 for I have' had no reason In the in terim to my opin ion of the remedy I was subject to severe attacks backache always ac 1 gravated if I sat long at a desk Kidney Pills absolutely stopped my backache Ihavfenever had a or la twinge i i oster Milburn! Co Buf falo or sale by all druggists price 50 cents per box At vniifi uuinvui Acuuci nuu ivugeu with a widow named Vogel recently in herited £160 which for sake he hid: in a sofa in his room Coming home ones day he found that the sofa had been seized for debt and hurrying to the auc tion room where it had been taken he searched it only to discover that the money had disappeared 1 He then went to the police made inquiries wluli showed that the landlady had be fselt' caused the sofa to be removed and that she had no debts A made in her house revealed nothing the widow uncon cernedly knittingL all the time the police were at work An i idea suddenly oc curred to a policeman' who the sock which she I was knitting ou examining the ball of wool found the £160 in paper money (hidden in the cen London Daily News The Dept! of Agriculture Gives to Oats its heartiest en dorsem*nt New National Oats yielded in 1903 from 150 to 300 bu per acre in 30 different States and you Mr armer can beat this in 1904 if you will seeds are pedigree seeds bred up through careful selection to! big yields 1 1 I j' Per Acre Beardless Barley yielded 121 bu Builder1 Corn300 bu Sneltz arid Macaroni Wheat RO hn Victoria Rape 60000 lbs Teosinte? the quick grow ins fodder wondeif i 1 16O00(T1K Billion' Dbllar Grass 50000 lbs Pedigree Potatoes 1000 bu Nbwsuch yields payhnd'you can them4 armer in1904? i SEND 10c IN STAMPS and this notice to the I John A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse' is nnd you will get their big catalogue and lots Of farm seed samples freeJ It is estimated that the population' of British Somaliland is about 250000 Its areais about 68000 square miles Banks 'and companies deposits Railroad capitalization par value United States Steell Corpora tion par value i International Mercantile Ma rine par value i 1 General Electric par value International value Other industrials par value I Total $6 278171 300 irst Serious Accident of the Kind Though Sport Has Been ol lowed There ifty jifears Menomonee alls WisJJanSpecial While coasting (down Saturday evening party of high school pupils ran into a team of torses at the I HULLOI1Z OL Ilie 11111a Vzl bcVL'u Uli VliV I bob sleighfive were injured Those I I hnost seriously hurt are: i jDuivuru iHcuiiiuieu leg uuu vvaj IM: Uliri Amada Weidenhoeft sknll fractured i Il Edwin Sehlafer scalp cut I Gilbert (oster injured about the head and face 1 ii i i Sigmund Adler baflly bruised and inter i nally injured i i "AH are doing as well as can be ex ccted under the circ*mstances The till has been used for coasting (for more I I (than fifty years this being the first seri ous accident that has occurred? I The sad affair will undoubtedly put a i quietus on the coasting I I I Appleton Wis Jan 11 (Special Oswald Rolfs had three ribs broken in a' coasting accident today 1 1 In another similar disaster the (daugh I her of A (roelich was nearly killed An I Jimkuownuboy also was hurt I Rev A Benjamin Refused to Iroquois Theater on atal Day i is Jan Rev son PANIC IN A CHURCH 1 '1 I i (ire Scare Throws Large Congregation I Into Disorder at Ne j) Richjffbud I) I New Richmond Wis Jan rial Smoke arising from a defective furnace through a register in hci floor in the Roman Catholic Church! of the Im (inaculate Conception caused a fire scare ana threw the large congregation flanie I The room (was gradually nlletlsmoke One 1 or two stepped lOun jvestigatei Then more started i only exit in the main audience itruK a was ac tne rear or Hisie some one cried "Eire! I jinstant there jvas apanic Evei evidently forgot the Iroquois tneat aster for the moment and the about the door was tm rifin W7nw Children xverej three deep on I thL floor land werc being trampled on Some icoolcr heads quelled the exciteinept and stopped the 'rush Several f' suffered Ibruises arid minor hurts and had tffeir clothes torn Several women fainted ibnt no one was seriously hurt1 I After quiet was restored the services were completed A wo churches iready been destroyed bv fire onde 1 1 INDIANS GOING TO AIR' A 1 ti Charles Hedflyer of Hayward Will Escbrt i i 1200 Redskins to St Louis 1 I Exposition I i I i Hayward Wis Jan The managers of the St Louis expedi tion have asked (piarlcs Hedflyer of the lambeau Indian reservation to take 1200 Indians to the fair and keep them there during the exposition Mr Hedflyeq hitis consented to do this and is arranging to 1 procure the necessary number from the I lambeau Court lOreilles Red Cliff and Odanah reservations i I TO DEATH Nutshell in Windpipe of Superior Child I Proves to Betatal Operation Is Unsuccessful Superior 'Wisr Jan Attorney andMrs Arnoldos baby son was stran gled to death by a nutshell He was play ing on the floor wheni he pickqd upthe Shell and attempted to swallow it jAn operation to removp it was unsuccessfuls the silver pipe inserted down its throat failed to make ah air passage 1 I Washington Jan President Roosevelt has to accept tlhe in vitation presented by Senator! Spooner and President Van Hise of the Univer sity of Wisconsin to attend th fiftieth anniversary of the founding of tie in stitution president Roosevelt twill de liver an address in the course of the ex ercises tj 'Madison WisJ Jan rSnoihl 1 The university jubilee programme so far as decided upon will be helds rom June 5 to 9 It has riot yet been definite ly decided upon but the order of events will be about) as follows: Vf Addresses by: clerical 1 alumni Baccalaureate) address 1 Class day alumni meeting re ceptlon to official guests alumni banquet and a torchlight procession The inauguration ceremonies luncheon and the reception andwater fete 't 1 The semi centennial ceremon ies the faculty dinner and class? alumni literary society and fraternity reunions The commencemeht exercises The jubilee committee has decided to hold examinations before June 5 but the faculty has nejt Us yet ratified it JUDGE EMIL BAENCSH i SELECTS LIEUTENANTS i I i Men Who Are to Manage Campaign 4 Are Named by: Manitowocl ll W' dr Jurist 'T Manitowoc Wis Jan ll ljlidge Emil Baensch has given out the Tollow ing list of lieutenants who underl thq general direction of Spooner! will take Charge of his campaign for the! Re publican nomination for Sewell A Petterson Rice Lake Otis Johnson'VRaclne Treat Monroe George Clemjentson Jr Lancaster Kosen berry Wausau Sturtevant XVaupaca Hl Morgan Madison and Brady Manitowoc Headquarters have been established tit ivxauison SHERI RETURNS TOBACCO Officer Charged with! Contempt Is Allowed I to Send Bak Ten Cases Taken from Warehouse Madison Wil Jan xne attorneys Watty and his deputies ch'arced vfrith contempt in the federal court have by agreed to allow the sheriff to return the ten leases of tobacco wljich were taken from) the: warehouse of Suiter Divuit ii inuiKrupisi ou a writ or plevin The further tobacco should be determined by trla i tne leuenti court not been fixed WILLARD lEIN PROMOTED ormer' Ripon Map Made Professor I San Juan Normal Ripoa Wis Jan Wili lard IIein fornferly of this city and for the past year principal of the public! Schools of Yauco Rico has bdenr Appointed professo of English at the normal school of Sin Juan Porto Rico Mr Hein is a graduate: of the state uni Wersjty 4 4 I ON ROBBERY CHARGE I'jl (j harles Kirkpatrick I Waives Exam ina tip Ji REPEATING RILEs jol No matter whatiyour preferences are iabout a rifle jy some one of the eight different Winchester models will Suit you Winchester Rifles are made in calibers suita ble for shooting any game from rabbits to grizzly bears and in many styles and weights Whichever model you select you can count on its being well made and finished reliable in action and a strong accurate shooter IP REEt Our 1 60 ptqe illustrated catalogue BXWINCH ESTER REPEATING ARMS CO NEW HAVEN CONN JI? ii to Wnunnn Saturday xiety to remain hen until today rind A 1 IM 1 lit' details have pot been made public I rK Lol JLzLjNii ORMER CONGRESSMAN AT POINT DEATH 'Is 1 i Lyman VE mes of Appleton Is Suffer Acute Appendicitis and Is Not Expected to Wis Jan Attorney Lyman Barnes is at the point Pf death Yesterday noun he re turned home from church apparent! well and was! suddenly taken ill with' accute appendicitis At II last night he jvas removedto St hpspitab aud at 12 an operation Jwas per formed 1 I 4 Drj Ovifit of Dshkosh called in says gagrene had set in before the operation Mr Barnes is among the best Democrats and lawyers in the west and was congressman from the Eighth district from 1893 to 1895 July 121 of last year the jCollege of Nashville (Tenn conferred uponlhim the degree of LLD He was born une 30 18x in wthis state He commenced the study of Idw at 17 with inch Barber at Oshkosh and graduated the Co lumbia university in 1876 'When he reached 20 years of age het was ad mitted to the bar aud settled fin' Apple ton time he was law partner of Judge Goodland and was frequently mentioned tor the supreme bench I Later he was district attorney for Outagamiej county resigning in 1892 to go to Congress' In 1893 the su preme court of Wisconsin appointed Mr Barnes on I the commission to redistricl the state I Iiii 1880 Mr JJarnes was married to Helen daughter of Col Conkey jf Ap pleton VTlieyhave four children i Alice Thomas' Edward' and Lyman Jr His wife is in feeble health PRESIDENT ACCEPTS! JUBILEE INVITATION Roosevelt Has Consented jtoj Take Part ip Great Celebration at Madison Next June Racine Wis Jan Peo ple of this city are much exercised over the death of the 3 year old daughter of Mr and Mrs rank Winnie who i dled at 6 this morning of pneumonia after an illness of but one week 'The parents of the child are members of' the Christian Catholic church of Zion city fend are firm believers in the doctrines of John Alexander Dowie I Knowing that the child was seriously ill it is alleged they refused toi call in a physician to attend her believing in iue uivine ueaung upon ner saeatn morning they notified the coroner of cine county and he visited the home refused to issue a death' certificate He (consulted District' Attornev tings with the result that an inquest will be held and after that he will decide whether further action will be tgken against the parents Mr and Mrs Winnie have been mem bers xf the Zion church for several yea rs and it is their intention to move to Zion City and live there SAYS HE WAS ROBBED HIDDEN OUND ''Il i Consignment of Merchandise Addressed to Alleged Bankrupt Lodi Merchanti i Seized by Marshal I' Madison (Wis Jan Pursuant to an order from the federal court (Deputy United States Marshal Herman Jonas has seized $4000 worth of goods which were addressed Walch the Lodi merchant who recently went into bankruptcy after the safe in his store had" been reported robbed Tho goods were found hidden in a shanty on the outskirts of city and had not been unpacked They were located by a detective who hits been working on the case for two weeks Which is noV confined in the (Dane county jail having been unable to furnish a bond of $1000 when a Writ of ue exeat was seryed upon him Interesting devel opments! in the case are expected next week Creola WisJlan ll William Kentwho settled in Osceola in dibd years He was the founder of this village and started inanv industries tha(t gave employment to the earlv set Iu (he married Miss "EllenKinder who survives him Mr Krint I1110 K'st of the charter members Jof Osceola lodge No 134 A 31 EXAMINATION TO BE HELD jr 1 Service Test at Jefferson: for Ruijal Carriers 1 efferson Jan 1 1 examination Minder the rules of the fwl States pivil service commission Racine Prominent Democrats of this city fere in laccei pt of letters from Demo jrgts of Mjtniiowoc asking that they do all that Is possible tdl secure a Racine delegation the Republican state convention 'Io ote for Judge (Emil Baensch olf Mani 1' owoc for governor 1 These letters state that the Democrats xC Manitowod' believe that Baensch is best fitted to the office I They qre united in their effort to secuireidele atcs to the! convention regardless ofpolitics Ah answer has been sent and office holders there stating that they will have nothing to du with securing dele gates USED THE HEATING PIPE JI' TT'(" Prisoners at! Oshkosh Employ Means of Communication to 'I 'Plan' Escape vvib Jan ii I rne By means ofm a i steam heating' pipe be ijyeen two cells rank Lupton convicted burglary qud Dave Walsh under air rest on charge of being an accomplice sent notes to each other and carried on epnvorsations I A boy in the jail in 7'oriued Jailer1 Robbins and was iiw MMi senseless iy inipton week po Since then! Lupton has been eon hod iu a dungeon1 Lupton waH taken i xji expressed Sale Teh Million Boxes aYear TEE AVORITE MEDICINE 25c 50c BEST OR THE BOWELS ALDERMEN ARRESTED I ollowing Green Bay Graft Indictments Three Officials Are Required Bonds 'J I Green Bay an 9r i Special Three city bfficiqls Aid A Gray? $Jd George Scffiwartz and Aid IE Mor gan were arrested yesterday afternoon and arraigned before Circuit Jndsro rist ingsJ A11 three are charged with accept ing bribes dndone with 'attempting to induce la witness before the grand jury to perjure himself in giving his testi mony All men were given tueir libfrty on furnishing $1000 bail each Aid Albef Gray president of lhe city council for some time mayor bf he city of ort Howard before the consoli dation with' G'reen Bay and at One time a member Of: the state' Legislature is I agec John manager company Charged with Accepting Bribes Aid tGeoi ge Sehwartza' saloon keep er is charged with accepting a bribe pf $o0 from Server Contractor Schaefer and then offering him a larger: Sum if lie (bchaefer) jwciuld perjure himself when called before the grand jury (to testify xuoe were separate indictments I Aid Morgan a plumber who could not be: located? for Some after the other officials had been secured' 4s charged with accepting a bribe of $q0 for a changejiii the specifications of a southide'' 4 Iiidictments i The indictments were read in opencourt by (Assistant States Attorney Cor rigan and eaclij aiderman appeared with bondsmen to sign the bonds and free the official Each pleaded through their McGillan not guilty Jury Keeps at Itr''''' I The jufy is'continuing its linvestigaL tions taking nt? matters that started movement for 6 jury If is claimed in the statement Eugene Lehman and in the affidavits of Allie Edwards that AldJ Gray was presented with a beautiful dial mond for Christmas several years agol and City 'Attorney ontaine received piano purchased from Mr Lehman the same manner and that theylj and oth i er officials received office desks and other things of value(J 1A AYETTE 'COUNTY ACCEPTS LARGE GIT Terms of Will of Late Matthew Murphy Agreed to and New Courthouse" Wjli Be Built Darlington I Wis Jan The board of supervisors of county have formally signified the acceptance of the bequest in the will of the late Matthew Murphy His property was left to the county to be used in buildings a new courthouse 1 The following i named members of the board were appointed a committee to act with TC Mackay executor of Mr i Murphy's will in carrying out the pur poses of the gift: Andrew Hebenstrict nd A of Shullsburg David Schreister of Dringfon' Cleary of Blanchardville gnd Buchan of Benton' It is ilnijPTRtnA I flint tho £nnrAc nvaJL under the will amount toi about $12o000 and that work will com UlODCed fiS SOOn tho irrn ntxr becomes absolute ly the expiration of the time to appeal from the allowance: of the will which wilLbe sixty days I rom De cember 8 1903 1 RAILROAD SECTION HANDS ON STRIKE Employed on North Western Near lorence Refuse to Work for $125' Per Day 4 i lore Jam The men employed on the "section 1 of the North Western railway here have gone on a strike for higher wages fall (they received $150 per day and 1 were cut down to and recently another reduction: was made to $125 The men refuse to work for this pay as they are all married men mad cannot live on such low wages Men from: Iron Mountain nave been sent here to temporarily at a compensation of $110 per day 1 CALLS CHURCH A I (J Oshkosh Edifice uHt for Theater Is Con sidered 1 Oshkosh Chief A Brau'fi pronounced the irst met wor to yeai hou: I 1 I 1 A ta 3r 1 I TT7 Tl 71 3 5 5 7 i 1 Si 4 vl 1 7 1 4 A 1 1 I 'T I'J Xl' 41 1 fl 1 1 I 4 4 M'S: A 1 44 MmI cl EP I I I kJ IrVJL I I LmJ I I MI I i i UU 4 iBTl yy nU A I hi 4 4 4 44X4 "44 4 4v rj4 44 tCD ACRt I A3 Vr wg i "al 4'11 4gJ 4 Ih til tetaisOtOfc 'll i a rtk 4 SMpi.

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Dodge County Citizen from Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (2024)


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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.