Advising FAQ - Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science (2024)

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Advising FAQ - Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science (1)

Registration and Course Selection

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How long until I graduate?

There are many variables that impact your graduation timeline such as the number of classes you take each semester, enrollment in summer classes, having to repeat classes, missing prerequisites, etc. To determine a possible graduation timeline, consider the following:

  1. How many hours of degree requirements remain?
    • Using yourdegree plan, you can add up the hours of all classes that remain to figure out this number.
  2. How many hours will you take each semester?
    • Remember that 18 is the maximum for fall/spring, and 15 is the max for summer.
  3. Can I complete all necessary prerequisites by taking ___ hours each semester?
    • Using yourflowchart, you can make a tentative plan for classes that you will take each semester until graduation to make sure you do not miss any prerequisites.
  4. Did I miss anything?
    • Share your plans with your academic advisor to verify that you have made a reasonable plan to meet your graduation goal.
What classes should I take next semester?

Your flowchart will help you to identify classes which you are eligible to take each semester.

  1. Download or print your degreeflowchart.
  2. Pull up your course history in ORION Student Center > My Academics.
  3. On your flowchart, cross off all the classes you have completed and are enrolled in, follow the arrows and circle all your options for next semester.
    • CS/ SE majors: prioritize taking courses that are pre-requisites to more CS/ SE courses.
    • BMEN/ MECH/ EE/ CE majors: Prioritize taking courses that are listed on or connected to your critical path (thick bold lines on your flowchart).
    • After filling out your flowchart, you are always welcome to contact your Academic Advisor to confirm your course selections.
How many hours can I take this semester? Can I get permission to take more?

18 hours is the max for fall and spring if you are in good academic standing. Freshmen are limited to 16 hours in their first semester. 15 hours is the maximum for summer. For permission to take more, you must already have a strong UTD GPA established and experience taking 14-17 hours per semester. To request permission, complete a max unit waiver form and submit it to your advisor (as of August 2020, you will need to contact your advisor for the form). If approved, your request will be submitted to the associate dean for final approval.

What free electives can I take?

The degree requirements of every major include the opportunity for elective courses, that is, courses exploring subjects not directly related to a student’s major.

What are guided electives and when should I take them?

Guided electives are approved courses that allow students to take courses in line with their interests within their major and meet their degree requirements. All ECS degrees require a number of guided electives (also called prescribed electives), and the courses offered vary each term. Students may take guided electives as early as their degree plan allows as long as the prerequisites are met. Check coursebook for a history of which semesters your desired class has been offered in the past.

What do I do if all sections of a class that I want/need are closed?

If a class is closed, students should complete the following steps:

  1. Join the wait list. (Instructions are on:
  2. Select a different course. If the course is a core course, guided elective, or free elective, we recommend that you take another class in its place.
  3. Inform your advisor of the course closure so that the department is aware.
What is the difference between MATH 2413 and MATH 2417?

These courses both cover differential calculus. However, MATH 2417 ALSO covers some integral calculus. It therefore moves through the material at a much faster pace than MATH 2413. MATH 2417 is only recommended for students who meet the following criteria: high aptitude in math AND pursuing a degree which requires multivariate calculus (EE, CE, BMEN, MECH)

How do I pair CS 1336 and CS 1136?

CS 1336/1136 are paired in a specific way. Each section of CS 1336 is paired with a specific CS 1136 class. Thus, depending on the section of CS 1336 you choose, you must select the appropriate section of CS 1136 as indicated in the class notes. Schedule planner does not pair correctly for you, so you must choose the sections manually based on the pairing list provided to you. You may also see each course’s specific pair in course description found in CourseBook:

How do I take the CS placement exam?

You can take the exam in Elearning usingExamityfor proctoring. See instructions on how to access the exam.

How do I make sure I have enough hours for my AES scholarship requirements?

The AES scholarship requirement says that you need to have 15 hours on average per semester. We can use dual enrollment credits and courses earned by AP credit to help supplement the hours needed for AES. For example: if you are transferring MATH 2413, then you would have 4 hours to use to add to a semester that is under 15 hours.

How do I register/drop a course via email?

You will need to complete the add/drop form and email to your assigned academic advisor. Please make sure to include course Prefix and number (i.e CS 1336), section (i.e. 003), and call number (i.e. 85362) so that the specific course(s) are added/dropped.

How do I register for classes at UTD when I am taking the prerequisite course(s) off campus?

You will need to provide proof of enrollment to your assigned academic advisor. An email of the unofficial transcript or advising report listing your information as well as the course information should suffice.

I am searching for a class, and it’s not showing up in schedule planner. What do I do?

The course may have one of two issues:

  1. The course is not being offered this semester.
  2. The course is currently full. You can make sure that you are searching for all classes, not just courses that are open. If there are sections available to register for the waitlist (indicated by a yellow triangle), you may register for the waitlist. Classes that are completely full will have a blue square.
Is there any way I can take a class if I have not met the prerequisites?

No. You must have the appropriate prerequisite courses in order to move onto the next course. If you have taken the prerequisite off-campus, contact your assigned advisor with proof of completion.

Can I register for a closed class if the professor gives me permission?

No. If a class has hit capacity, you will have to wait for a seat to open in order to register.

How does the repeat policy work?

Repeat policy: Starting Fall 2020, if you made a C or better on the first attempt you can no longer retake the course. The second attempt replaces the first even if the score is not as high as the first attempt. The third attempt you pay out of state tuition and second grade and third grade are averaged together. W’s count as an attempt.

How do I register for classes?

Schedule Planner is your most user-friendly tool for registering for classes. Instructions on how to use schedule planner can be foundhere. Alternatively, you can also register, swap, and drop classes by clicking the Manage My Classes tile in Orion Student Center. From there review course options with a class search, taking note of the course number for the sections you want, then register for your selection in Add a Class.

When is the last day to register for classes?

Important registration dates are located on theacademic calendar. There are two important dates, the last day of regular registration and late registration. During late registration payment is due the same day you register. Late registration comes with a minimum $100 late registration fee.

How do I swap courses?

Seeinstructions for swapping courses.

Why am I still on the wait list when the system shows there is 1 seat in the class?

It can be confusing when you see a seat open in a class but Schedule Planner will not let you add it. The way the system pulls students off the wait list means that there is a short amount of time where it looks like a class is open for enrollment when it really isn’t.

Step 1: Class is full.
Step 2: Students are added to the wait list.
Step 3: Student A drops the class.
Step 4: There is 1 seat open in the class for a bit until the wait list is run by the system.
Step 5: The system pulls the first student off the wait list.
Step 6: The system no longer shows an open seat, and the total number on the wait list goes down by 1.

Here are some tips for making sure a seat is really available:

  • Use Schedule Planner and not Coursebook. Schedule Planner works in real-time so changes are shown momentarily. Coursebook is updated every few hours, so while it is useful for more detailed information about a particular class, the seat availability may not be correct.
  • Review the information for a section to be sure (click the “I” icon) – you can check how many seats total the class has, how many are available, and how many people are on the waitlist. If the number of seats available is less than the number of students on the wait list, then that class isn’t really open for general enrollment.
How do I know what credit I will get for my AP scores?

The UTD Advance Placement (AP) articulation table is located online. The table can be found online at

What is individual instruction, and how do I sign up?

Individual instruction is a course that allows you to build your own course with a cooperating instructor. In some cases, these credits can be used for guided elective credit. Complete the Individual Instruction form provided by your academic advisor with your supervising professor. Return the form to your advisor to be enrolled.

I need a class for my SE domain, and there aren’t any available. What options do I have?

SE domain lists are located online. The documents can be found online athereunder the “Guided Electives” Section. Each semester the department will release a list of domain substitutions. Email your advisor for a list of approved domain subs. You can also check the advisingFacebook page.

I am on probation. How do I register for classes?

Once a student’s GPA falls below 2.00, they are placed on academic probation. Students on probation cannot enroll in or drop courses online. An academic advisor can help process your enrollment request.

Adding Courses: lock or favorite a schedule using Schedule Planner. Email your advisor to process your enrollment request.

Dropping Courses: email a completed add/drop form to your advisor. Students on probation cannot drop coursework after the first day of classes.

My degree plan lists ECS 3361 or ECS 2361 but that class isn’t be offered anymore. What do I do?

If you started your ECS degree at UT Dallas before Fall 2020, your degree may require ECS 3361 or ECS 2361. However, starting in Fall 2020, that class is no longer being offered. Students will need to substitute the following depending on their major:

MajorRequired Substitution
Biomedical EngineeringAny offered 080 Core from the Undergraduate Catalog
Computer EngineeringAny offered 080 Core from the Undergraduate CatalogANDCE 3161ANDCE Elective Lab (2 hour)
Computer ScienceAny offered 080 Core from the Undergraduate CatalogANDa 3 hour Guided Elective
Electrical EngineeringAny offered 080 Core from the Undergraduate CatalogANDEE 3161 AND EE Elective Lab (2 hour)
Mechanical EngineeringAny offered 080 Core from the Undergraduate Catalog
Software EngineeringAny offered 080 Core from the Undergraduate CatalogANDa 3 hour Guided Elective
Advising FAQ - Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science (2)

Academic Standing

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I need to get readmitted to UTD after I was suspended. What steps do I need to take?
  1. Create a readmission plan with an assistant director by making an appointment withIrene Marroquin(CS, SE, CE, EE) orTanisha Edwards(BMEN, MECH).
  2. Locate an institution that offers the courses on your readmission plan and apply for admission.
  3. Confirm that the courses you have selected will transfer to UTD as intended by contacting your UTD academic advisor. A TCEP may be needed.
  4. Take courses off campus according to the plan. Make the required grades specified on readmission plan.
  5. Meet with an academic advisor to complete readmission paperwork.
Does my transfer credit affect my UTD GPA?

No, your UTD GPA will only be calculated with the courses you take at UTD.

I am on probation. How do I register for classes?

Once a student’s GPA falls below 2.00, they are placed on academic probation. Students on probation cannot enroll in or drop courses online. An academic advisor can help process your enrollment request.

Adding Courses: lock or favorite a schedule using Schedule Planner. Email your advisor to process your enrollment request.

Dropping Courses: email a completed add/drop form to your advisor. Students on probation cannot drop coursework after the first day of classes.

Advising FAQ - Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science (3)

Transfering Credits

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How do I take courses off campus and transfer them to UTD?
  1. Talk to your UTD Academic Advisor about what classes you plan to take off campus. Transfer plans availableherewill assist you in course selection.
  2. Apply for admission to the institution where you wish to take classes and complete all necessary steps for enrollment as required by that institution.
  3. Send proof of enrollment (a receipt, class schedule, advising report, or unofficial transcript) to your UTD advisor if the course is a prerequisite to other classes you will take at UTD. This will allow you to register for classes at UTD in an upcoming term while prerequisites are in progress at another institution.
  4. Request an official transcript be sent to UTD upon completion of coursework. Information on how to request a transcript will be available on the institution’s website.
  5. You will receive an automated email in your UTD email account when your transfer credits are received by the UTD Registrar’s Office. Check your course history for accuracy.
How do I claim IB/AP/CLEP credit?
  1. Make a request to your exam provider (I.e. College Board) to send an official score report to UTD.
  2. Check your UTD email for a notification that your scores were received by UTD.
  3. Contact your academic advisor to petition your credits. NOTE: Freshmen do not need to contact their advisors because petitioning of test credits will be completed as a part of their ECS 1100 class in their first semester.
Why do I have to petition IB/AP/CLEP credits?

Some tests allow students to petition college credit that will not apply towards their specific degree requirements. For example, PHYS 1301 may be petitioned with satisfactory AP scores in AP Physics 1. However, ECS majors must take a higher level physics and therefore may not use PHYS 1301 on their degrees. Students should avoid petitioning these classes. An academic advisor can help you to identify any such test credits. Reasons NOT to petition select test credits:

  • Financial aid – if you petition credits that you do not need for your degree, you may have excessive credits on your record that disqualify you from receiving financial aid. This is because financial aid allows a maximum time frame for degree completion: 125 percent of the hours required to complete thedegree program.
  • Texas Tuition Rebate– if you petition credits that you do not need for your degree, you may have excessive credits on your record that disqualify you from receiving a rebate. Review the rebate policy for details.
  • Desire to take the class at UTD – if you want to take the class at UTD even though you have test credit, you should not petition your AP credit due to reasons A and B.
How do I register for classes at UTD when I am taking the prerequisite course(s) off campus?

You will need to provide proof of enrollment to your assigned academic advisor. An email of the unofficial transcript or advising report listing your information as well as the course information should suffice.

How do I submit a transcript for the course I took off campus?

You will need to request a transcript from the school’s Registrar’s office and send it to the UTD Registrar’s office. UTD will accept official electronic or sealed transcripts from all colleges and universities previously attended. Physical transcripts should be mailed to the following address:

The University of Texas at Dallas
Office of Admission and Enrollment
800 W Campbell Rd
Richardson, TX 75080-3021

Why isn’t my AP credit showing up in the system?

AP credit is missing because either UTD has not received an official score report yet OR the test credit has not yet been petitioned. Freshmen will petition for credit in the fall semester during their ECS 1100 class. All other students must request the petitioning of AP credits through their academic advisor.

Does my transfer credit affect my UTD GPA?

No, your UTD GPA will only be calculated with the courses you take at UTD.

How do I know if I have reached excessive hours? What are excessive hours?

Excessive Hours refers to the maximum number of semester credit hours an undergraduate student may attempt while paying Texas resident tuition. A student who exceeds the maximum hours will be charged the non-resident tuition rate.

For most students, the maximum hour limit is 30 hours over their degree program.

  • 158 maximum limit for BMEN
  • 156 maximum limit for CE
  • 154 maximum limit for CS
  • 158 maximum limit for EE
  • 157 maximum limit for MECH
  • 153 maximum limit for SE

You can access more information about this Texas legislative rule on theRegistrar’s Office website. If you think you have exceeded or are going to exceed your maximum hour limit, please contactyour assigned advisor

How do I know what credit I will get for my AP scores?

The UTD Advance Placement (AP) articulation table is located online. The table can be found online at

Advising FAQ - Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science (4)


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How many hours can I take this semester? Can I get permission to take more?

18 hours is the max for fall and spring if you are in good academic standing. Freshmen are limited to 16 hours in their first semester. 15 hours is the maximum for summer. For permission to take more, you must already have a strong UTD GPA established and experience taking 14-17 hours per semester. To request permission, complete a max unit waiver form and submit it to your advisor (as of August 2020, you will need to contact your advisor for the form). If approved, your request will be submitted to the associate dean for final approval.

I need to get readmitted to UTD after I was suspended. What steps do I need to take?
  1. Create a readmission plan with an assistant director by making an appointment withIrene Marroquin(CS, SE, CE, EE) orTanisha Edwards(BMEN, MECH).
  2. Locate an institution that offers the courses on your readmission plan and apply for admission.
  3. Confirm that the courses you have selected will transfer to UTD as intended by contacting your UTD academic advisor. A TCEP may be needed.
  4. Take courses off campus according to the plan. Make the required grades specified on readmission plan.
  5. Meet with an academic advisor to complete readmission paperwork.
I have a “see advisor for degree audit” hold. What should I do?

First, check your email for correspondence from your advisor. If you have not received an email, reach out to your academic advisor to complete your degree audit. Students in good academic standing (GPA above 2.000) may be able to complete their 45-hour audit online. Students in need of a 75-hour audit must schedule an appointment to meet with their assigned advisor.

How do I make sure I have enough hours for my AES scholarship requirements?

The AES scholarship requirement says that you need to have 15 hours on average per semester. We can use dual enrollment credits and courses earned by AP credit to help supplement the hours needed for AES. For example: if you are transferring MATH 2413, then you would have 4 hours to use to add to a semester that is under 15 hours.

How do I know if I have reached excessive hours? What is excessive hours?

Excessive Hours refers to the maximum number of semester credit hours an undergraduate student may attempt while paying Texas resident tuition. A student who exceeds the maximum hours will be charged the non-resident tuition rate.

For most students, the maximum hour limit is 30 hours over their degree program.

  • 158 maximum limit for BMEN
  • 156 maximum limit for CE
  • 154 maximum limit for CS
  • 158 maximum limit for EE
  • 157 maximum limit for MECH
  • 153 maximum limit for SE

You can access more information about this Texas legislative rule on theRegistrar’s Office website.
If you think you have exceeded or are going to exceed your maximum hour limit, please contactyour assigned advisor

When is the last day to register for classes?

Important registration dates are located on theacademic calendar. There are two important dates, the last day of regular registration and late registration. During late registration payment is due the same day you register. Late registration comes with a minimum $100 late registration fee.

I am on probation. How do I register for classes?

Once a student’s GPA falls below 2.00, they are placed on academic probation. Students on probation cannot enroll in or drop courses online. An academic advisor can help process your enrollment request.

Adding Courses: lock or favorite a schedule using Schedule Planner. Email your advisor to process your enrollment request.

Dropping Courses: email a completed add/drop form to your advisor. Students on probation cannot drop coursework after the first day of classes.

Advising FAQ - Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science (5)

Fast Track

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How can Fast Track classes be used on my bachelor’s degree?

Fast Track classes may be used as guided/prescribed electives, free electives, and/or in some cases, substitutions for specific degree requirements (e.g. taking the graduate version of operating systems as a substitute for the undergraduate version)

When do I apply for Fast Track?

Download theapplicationand submit to your academic advisor during the appropriateapplication timeframe.

(benchmark courses completed prior to Fall semester)(completing benchmark courses during Fall semester)(benchmark courses completed prior to Spring semester)(completing benchmark courses during Spring semester)
Submit application between October 10 and October 21Submit application after Fall grades have posted
Dates TBA
Submit application between March 10 and March 21Submit application between May 15 and May 20
I need help choosing Fast Track classes. Where can I get assistance?

Review the master’s degree requirements in the graduate catalog (2020-2021 cataloghere). For further assistance with graduate coursework selection, you can speak with agraduate advisor.

Note that the Fast Track application requires you to list out graduate courses, but this list is not binding. You may change your course selections when you petition to actually register for courses.

Advising FAQ - Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science (6)

First Time Freshman

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How do I register for classes?

Schedule Planner is your most user-friendly tool for registering for classes. Instructions on how to use schedule planner can be foundhere. Alternatively, you can also register, swap, and drop classes by clicking the Manage My Classes tile in Orion Student Center. From there review course options with a class search, taking note of the course number for the sections you want, then register for your selection in Add a Class.

How do I add a minor?
  1. Review required coursework incatalogto determine how the additional coursework will impact your graduation timeline. Make sure to check for prerequisites as these may add more hours.
  2. Talk to your academic advisor about your plans.
  3. Establish a GPA of 3.0 or higher at UTD. Additional criteria required for the addition of an ECS minor. Seechange of major policy
  4. Apply for the minor inOrion. For ECS minors, contact your advisor to complete the form.
How do I claim IB/AP/CLEP credit?
  1. Make a request to your exam provider (I.e. College Board) to send an official score report to UTD.
  2. Check your UTD email for a notification that your scores were received by UTD.
  3. Contact your academic advisor to petition your credits. NOTE: Freshmen do not need to contact their advisors because petitioning of test credits will be completed as a part of their ECS 1100 class in their first semester.
Why do I have to petition IB/AP/CLEP credits?

Some tests allow students to petition college credit that will not apply towards their specific degree requirements. For example, PHYS 1301 may be petitioned with satisfactory AP scores in AP Physics 1. However, ECS majors must take a higher level physics and therefore may not use PHYS 1301 on their degrees. Students should avoid petitioning these classes. An academic advisor can help you to identify any such test credits.
Reasons NOT to petition select test credits:

  • Financial aid – if you petition credits that you do not need for your degree, you may have excessive credits on your record that disqualify you from receiving financial aid. This is because financial aid allows a maximum time frame for degree completion: 125 percent of the hours required to complete the degree program. You can read morehere.
  • Texas Tuition Rebate– if you petition credits that you do not need for your degree, you may have excessive credits on your record that disqualify you from receiving a rebate. Review the rebate policy for details.
  • Desire to take the class at UTD – if you want to take the class at UTD even though you have test credit, you should not petition your AP credit due to reasons A and B.
How many hours can I take this semester? Can I get permission to take more?

18 hours is the max for fall and spring if you are in good academic standing. Freshmen are limited to 16 hours in their first semester. 15 hours is the maximum for summer. For permission to take more, you must already have a strong UTD GPA established and experience taking 14-17 hours per semester. To request permission, complete a max unit waiver form and submit it to your advisor (as of August 2020, you will need to contact your advisor for the form). If approved, your request will be submitted to the associate dean for final approval.

I need to get readmitted to UTD after I was suspended. What steps do I need to take?

1. Create a readmission plan with an assistant director by making an appointment withIrene Marroquin(CS, SE, CE, EE) orTanisha Edwards(BMEN, MECH).
2. Locate an institution that offers the courses on your readmission plan and apply for admission.
3. Confirm that the courses you have selected will transfer to UTD as intended by contacting your UTD academic advisor. A TCEP may be needed.
4. Take courses off campus according to the plan. Make the required grades specified on readmission plan.
5. Meet with an academic advisor to complete readmission paperwork.

What is the difference between MATH 2413 and MATH 2417?

These courses both cover differential calculus. However, MATH 2417 ALSO covers some integral calculus. It therefore moves through the material at a much faster pace than MATH 2413. MATH 2417 is only recommended for students who meet the following criteria: high aptitude in math AND pursuing a degree which requires multivariate calculus (EE, CE, BMEN, MECH)

How do I pair CS 1336 and CS 1136?

CS 1336/1136 are paired in a specific way. Each section of CS 1336 is paired with a specific CS 1136 class. Thus, depending on the section of CS 1336 you choose, you must select the appropriate section of CS 1136 as indicated in the class notes. Schedule planner does not pair correctly for you, so you must choose the sections manually based on the pairing list provided to you. You may also see each course’s specific pair in course description found in CourseBook:

How do I take the CS placement exam?

The Computer Science Placement Test is administered by the UT Dallas Texting center. Please refer to their website for information:

How do I make sure I have enough hours for my AES scholarship requirements?

The AES scholarship requirement says that you need to have 15 hours on average per semester. We can use dual enrollment credits and courses earned by AP credit to help supplement the hours needed for AES. For example: if you are transferring MATH 2413, then you would have 4 hours to use to add to a semester that is under 15 hours.

Why isn’t my AP credit showing up in the system?

AP credit is missing because either UTD has not received an official score report yet OR the test credit has not yet been petitioned. Freshmen will petition for credit in the fall semester during their ECS 1100 class. All other students must request the petitioning of AP credits through their academic advisor.

How do I register for classes?

Schedule Planner is your most user-friendly tool for registering for classes. Instructions on how to use schedule planner can be foundhere. Alternatively, you can also register, swap, and drop classes by clicking the Manage My Classes tile in Orion Student Center. From there review course options with a class search, taking note of the course number for the sections you want, then register for your selection in Add a Class.

What score do I need on the ALEKS exam and when should I take it?

A score of 80 or higher is ideal. This allows you to take calculus in your first semester and to start on track for a 4-year graduation timeline. You must make a 50 or better in order to be placed in a math class. Complete your first attempt at least 1 week before your orientation date. Remember that you have the option to retest!

How do I swap courses?

Instructions can be found here:

How do I declare being pre-med? What are the requirements/who do I contact?

Pre-med is not a formal designation at UTD. However, it is an indication of your future plans, and we want to help support you in that endeavor!

Health Professions Advisingis an academic resource for all students interested in any future health profession (including medical, pharmacy, PA, and more). They can assist with health career options, recommended courses/majors, assist with applications, and more.

To get started, download thePre-Health Starter Kit. After reviewing this information, contact your assigned advisor to notify them of your intention to pursue pre-med: your advisor will help you build schedules that fit both your major and pre-med classes.

How do I know what credit I will get for my AP scores?

The UTD Advance Placement (AP) articulation table is located online. The table can be found onlinehere.

Advising FAQ - Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science (7)

Major/Minor Requirements

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How do I register for classes?

Schedule Planner is your most user-friendly tool for registering for classes. Instructions on how to use schedule planner can be foundhere. Alternatively, you can also register, swap, and drop classes by clicking the Manage My Classes tile in Orion Student Center. From there review course options with a class search, taking note of the course number for the sections you want, then register for your selection in Add a Class.

How do I add a minor?
  1. Review required coursework incatalogto determine how the additional coursework will impact your graduation timeline. Make sure to check for prerequisites as these may add more hours.
  2. Talk to your academic advisor about your plans.
  3. An established UTD GPA above a 2.0 is needed to declare a minor.
  4. Apply for the minor inOrion. For ECS minors, contact your advisor to complete the form.
How do I claim IB/AP/CLEP credit?
  1. Make a request to your exam provider (I.e. College Board) to send an official score report to UTD.
  2. Check your UTD email for a notification that your scores were received by UTD.
  3. Contact your academic advisor to petition your credits. NOTE: Freshmen do not need to contact their advisors because petitioning of test credits will be completed as a part of their ECS 1100 class in their first semester.
What classes should I take next semester?

Your flowchart will help you to identify classes which you are eligible to take each semester.

  1. Download or print your degreeflowchart.
  2. Pull up your course history in ORION Student Center > My Academics.
  3. On your flowchart, cross off all the classes you have completed and are enrolled in, follow the arrows and circle all your options for next semester.
    • CS/ SE majors: prioritize taking courses that are pre-requisites to more CS/ SE courses.
    • BMEN/ MECH/ EE/ CE majors: Prioritize taking courses that are listed on or connected to your critical path (thick bold lines on your flowchart).
    • After filling out your flowchart, you are always welcome to contact your Academic Advisor to confirm your course selections.
I have a “see advisor for degree audit” hold. What should I do?

First, check your email for correspondence from your advisor. If you have not received an email, reach out to your academic advisor to complete your degree audit. Students in good academic standing (GPA above 2.000) may be able to complete their 45-hour audit online. Students in need of a 75-hour audit must schedule an appointment to meet with their assigned advisor.

Can I get credit for my internship?

Students enrolled in the internship course may use the course as free elective credit in their degree plan. To enroll in the internship course, reach out to your assigned IPP coordinator.

What free electives can I take?

Students may take any course offered that is not required for their degree plans with a few exceptions. It is easier to state what may not be used:

  • Math lower than MATH 2413
  • Science for non-science majors
  • Computer applications courses (e.g., ITSS)
  • STAT courses

When you have chosen free elective courses, it is wise to check them with your academic advisor.

What are guided electives and when should I take them?

Guided electives are approved courses that allow students to take courses in line with their interests within their major and meet their degree requirements. All ECS degrees require a number of guided electives (also called prescribed electives), and the courses offered vary each term. Students may take guided electives as early as their degree plan allows as long as the prerequisites are met. Check coursebook for a history of which semesters your desired class has been offered in the past.

What is the difference between MATH 2413 and MATH 2417?

These courses both cover differential calculus. However, MATH 2417 ALSO covers some integral calculus. It therefore moves through the material at a much faster pace than MATH 2413. MATH 2417 is only recommended for students who meet the following criteria: high aptitude in math AND pursuing a degree which requires multivariate calculus (EE, CE, BMEN, MECH)

How do I declare being pre-med? What are the requirements/who do I contact?

Pre-med is not a formal designation at UTD. However, it is an indication of your future plans, and we want to help support you in that endeavor!

Health Professions Advisingis an academic resource for all students interested in any future health profession (including medical, pharmacy, PA, and more). They can assist with health career options, recommended courses/majors, assist with applications, and more.

To get started, download thePre-Health Starter Kit. After reviewing this information, contact your assigned advisor to notify them of your intention to pursue pre-med: your advisor will help you build schedules that fit both your major and pre-med classes.

Advising FAQ - Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science (8)


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How long until I graduate?

There are many variables that impact your graduation timeline such as the number of classes you take each semester, enrollment in summer classes, having to repeat classes, missing prerequisites, etc. To determine a possible graduation timeline, consider the following:

  1. How many hours of degree requirements remain?
    • Using yourdegree plan, you can add up the hours of all classes that remain to figure out this number.
  2. How many hours will you take each semester?
    • Remember that 18 is the maximum for fall/spring, and 15 is the max for summer.
  3. Can I complete all necessary prerequisites by taking ___ hours each semester?
    • Using yourflowchart, you can make a tentative plan for classes that you will take each semester until graduation to make sure you do not miss any prerequisites.
  4. Did I miss anything?
    • Share your plans with your academic advisor to verify that you have made a reasonable plan to meet your graduation goal.
How many hours can I take this semester? Can I get permission to take more?

18 hours is the max for fall and spring if you are in good academic standing. Freshmen are limited to 16 hours in their first semester. 15 hours is the maximum for summer. For permission to take more, you must already have a strong UTD GPA established and experience taking 14-17 hours per semester. To request permission, complete a max unit waiver form and submit it to your advisor (as of August 2020, you will need to contact your advisor for the form). If approved, your request will be submitted to the associate dean for final approval.

I have a “see advisor for degree audit” hold. What should I do?

First, check your email for correspondence from your advisor. If you have not received an email, reach out to your academic advisor to complete your degree audit. Students in good academic standing (GPA above 2.000) may be able to complete their 45-hour audit online. Students in need of a 75-hour audit must schedule an appointment to meet with their assigned advisor.

How do I apply for graduation?

You must email your assigned academic advisor to request a graduation audit (link to request a graduation audit coming soon!). They will make sure that you have satisfied all of your degree requirements and open up your graduation application if everything looks correct. If not, your assigned advisor will reach out with further instruction.

I need a class for my SE domain, and there aren’t any available. What options do I have?

SE domain lists are located online. The documents can be found online athereunder the “Guided Electives” Section. Each semester the department will release a list of domain substitutions. Email your advisor for a list of approved domain subs. You can also check the advisingFacebook page.

Advising FAQ - Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science (9)

International and Study Abroad

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How do I take courses off campus and transfer them to UTD?
  1. Talk to your UTD Academic Advisor about what classes you plan to take off campus. Transfer plans availableherewill assist you in course selection.
  2. Apply for admission to the institution where you wish to take classes and complete all necessary steps for enrollment as required by that institution.
  3. Send proof of enrollment (a receipt, class schedule, advising report, or unofficial transcript) to your UTD advisor if the course is a prerequisite to other classes you will take at UTD. This will allow you to register for classes at UTD in an upcoming term while prerequisites are in progress at another institution.
  4. Request an official transcript be sent to UTD upon completion of coursework. Information on how to request a transcript will be available on the institution’s website.
  5. You will receive an automated email in your UTD email account when your transfer credits are received by the UTD Registrar’s Office. Check your course history for accuracy.
I want to study abroad. What steps do I need to take?

Familiarize yourself with the requirements of studying abroad on theUTD Programs Abroadwebsite including the comets abroad portal.

Schedule a time to meet with a study abroad advisor to go over the process with you. They will be helping you through much of the process. Also meet with your academic advisor to discuss coursework transfer and how a semester away might impact your degree completion and graduation timeline.

Advising FAQ - Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science (2024)


How to contact an academic advisor at UTD? ›

Undergraduate Advising

*Current students should email their assigned academic advisor. Prospective undergraduate students should email: or fill out this form. Advising is an integral part of the university experience.

What is the acceptance rate for Utd computer engineering? ›

The general acceptance rate is close to 70%, but this could reduce when you factor in the fact that Computing related majors are more competitive, generally, than other majors.

Is UT Dallas a good engineering school? ›

The UT Dallas undergraduate computer science program ranked 82nd in the nation and third in the state among public schools. Undergraduate engineering was 74th, while the undergraduate psychology (130th) and economics (181st) programs were recognized in the debut lists of their categories.

Is there a time limit on how long I have to complete my bachelor's degree at UTD? ›

Q: Is there a time limit on how long I have to complete my bachelor's degree? A: The catalog is good for 6 years from its beginning. If you do not finish your degree in 6 years, you will be moved to a newer catalog and be responsible for completing any additional courses that have been added to the newer catalog.

How do I message my academic advisor? ›

Here are some steps you can use to address your academic adviser in an email:
  1. Create a subject line. ...
  2. Use a professional salutation and title. ...
  3. Introduce yourself. ...
  4. Ensure your questions are clear. ...
  5. End with thanks and another salutation. ...
  6. Review your writing for clarity and grammar.
Jul 2, 2024

How do I email my faculty advisor? ›

Email Etiquette
  1. Address your recipient by title and last name (Dear Professor Interesting)
  2. Use full sentences and proper grammar, avoiding slang and emojis.
  3. Keep the tone of your email courteous.
  4. End with a concluding phrase and your name (Sincerely, Juan Pupil)
  5. Give a useful subject line (Research on X)

Is UTD or UNT better for computer science? ›

Academics: UTD is generally considered to have stronger academic programs in fields like engineering, computer science, and business.

Is it hard to get into U of T computer engineering? ›

George Campus typically receives the most applications overall, so it will be tougher to get into out of the 3 campuses. In 2021, admission to top programs like Computer Science at U of T is about 43%.

Is UTD a prestigious school? ›

The University of Texas at Dallas is ranked #115 out of 439 National Universities. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.

What is Erik Jonsson School of engineering ranked? ›

The University of Texas at Dallas (Jonsson) is ranked No. 75 (tie) out of 199 in Best Engineering Schools. Schools were assessed on their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.

Is Texas A&M or UT Austin better for engineering? ›

Both UT Austin and Texas A&M have strong engineering programs, so you can't go wrong with either choice. I recommend visiting both campuses or speaking with current students to get a feel for each school's culture and opportunities.

Is UT Dallas a Tier 1 university? ›

The University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas), founded in 1960, is a Tier 1 public research university.

Can I get into UTD with a 2.9 GPA? ›

A minimum cumulative transferable GPA of 3.0 or greater on a 4.0 scale.

What is the 30 hour rule in Texas? ›

This is known as the “30hr/45hr rule or excessive hours.” An average degree in TX is 120 completed hours. You may attend at your reduced tuition rate up to 30 hours above this number of attempted hours (150 hours total on most occasions).

What SAT score is required for UTD? ›

There's no absolute SAT requirement at UT Dallas, but they really want to see at least a 1180 to have a chance at being considered.

Are you required to meet with an advisor before enrolling in classes at UTD? ›

Students who are in one of the following categories must meet with their advisor prior to registration: Freshmen. Newly admitted transfer students. Academic probation and academic warning.

How do I meet an academic advisor at UT Austin? ›

Student Division advisors serve students exclusively on a drop-in basis and can be connected with virtually via the chat link above, in GEB 2.200, or by phoning 512-471-4271.

How do I meet an academic advisor at UB? ›

Navigate's online appointment scheduling is available for all undergraduate academic advising offices. Use the Advising Directory to locate your advising center's contact information. If you are having difficulty scheduling an appointment online, call them directly.

How do I contact a prospective faculty advisor? ›

Use the appropriate title for the potential advisor (e.g. Dear Dr. Ramos is often more appropriate than using a first name.) Use an email address that is appropriate (university email or an email that is your first and last name). Mention any connections you may already have to the program.


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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.